Saying goodbye to 2011…. It’s fun to think back over big moments from the year, but honestly, it’s those little moments, that make our life so special. Waking up in the morning to happy babies jumping into your bed, or a little person who just wants to show you their latest masterpiece. Those are what make daily life wonderful, and…
Tag: life
Sharing News….
We have had the most beautiful, and unexpected news this week. It would seem, that the Lord is blessing us with another baby in mid-August! Since our little one is only 6 months old, this will be by far, the closest babies we have had. These days, my hair is turning silver around the edges, and little lines have long…
….And Then There Is Just Fun
Pictures for no particular reason. We were just having having fun. I love these days.
Memorizing Scripture
Paul and I have been trying to add more Scripture memory to our daily, family routine. I’ve prayed over how to begin- and came up with a few fun ideas focused mostly on our younger children. One, was to make flashcards of a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. The Lord really blessed me when last week, rather…
October 13, 2011
I’m glad to be on to a new day. Jacob, is feeling much better today. He ended up with 8 stitches…though we’re not positive. The stitches on one end of his finger are so close together, it’s hard to tell exactly. We’ve already opened his bandage and cleaned it today. He’s not in too much pain (I’m so glad….). I’m…
Jacob’s Finger
We’ve had a pretty interesting day. On this evening, we’re glad Jacob still has all ten fingers. Boys. I think that’s all I have to say on this subject.
October 3, 2011
To tell the truth, we’ve not felt so well the last week. I hate to see them not feeling well, but I think it’s just part of life this time of year. I’m always glad to see everyone on the mend, but this does give us a chance to pause and see them all back to health. Please keep my…
Glow Bath
Tonight’s fun….glow bath– we like to shake things up just a little from time to time. *smile* So, the ingredients for this night of fun…..a bathtub, a handful of glow sticks from the dollar store and a bunch of littles: This little person didn’t want to come out of the tub!
Where’s Josh?
I believe God does big things. Some times, they seem unbelievable. We couldn’t in our best plans imagine the things that HE determines to be our path. So, I’ve been asked a lot, “where is Josh?”. It’s a long story…and one that weaves it’s way through the last several months. Some time ago, Joshua’s employer took a new job. At…
It seems so long since I’ve updated this site. Dial-up is another world when you are used to high-speed internet. I can’t tell you how difficult it is do accomplish simple tasks…things like banking, using the library or just checking store hours. Websites just aren’t being made to use dial-up anymore. If you are trying to blog, or use fb,…
Horseback Riding
Matthew and Jess had quite the adventure yesterday! They were invited to go horseback riding with some sweet friends: Matt had a little more fun than most…an experience he’ll surely never forget. He fell off of his horse, Bama: Today, he’s really sore, but overall fine. They both had a great time and have been chattering through the morning about…
July 16, 2011
This has been a long, long week. As we are preparing and starting our new school year, I’m always tweaking this and changing that….it can be a challenge, but honestly, it’s something I look forward to each and every year. We’re working with the littles using Five In A Row. It’s a long-time favorite in our home with our young…