Paul and I have been trying to add more Scripture memory to our daily, family routine.
I’ve prayed over how to begin- and came up with a few fun ideas focused mostly on our younger children.
One, was to make flashcards of a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. The Lord really blessed me when last week, rather than having to make my own, Crystal posted a link to these cards:

I printed them out, and had them laminated (I was shocked how cheap it is to have things laminated now! Woohoo!).

I did have a little help from Matthew….he organized them all as I punched holes.

We mounted them into rings to add to our morning devotion basket.

So far, they are working great. My littles love to recite their new verses.
Do you have some favorite memory tools? We’ve tried some of the CD’s on the market, and like them but it would be nice to have some new ideas.
Once they have learned these verses, we’re heading back to James. The children had memorized quite a chunk of the book when we stopped practicing. Maybe they’ll be able to pick it back up easily.

One of my favorites for little ones are the Abeka alphabet/scripture cards.
This year I found a lovely wall hanging and it happened to have 12 scriptures. I typed them up, slippe them into page protectors and inside a binder (just a 1 1/2 inch binder from Wal-mart). The binder will stand up so it makes it easy to flip the page for the next scripture.
We are memorizing one chunk of scripture as a family each month and then in school each day for that month we read poems, stories from the bible or literature and when God provides teachable moments we also talk about the topic.
Honesty is the latest one and it always amazes me how good God is to help us learn and provide opportunities with each character trait we are working on.
That may have been more than you were looking for but I hope it helps in some small way:0)
I *love* this idea for the binder! I think we will try this with our larger sections of Scripture, as well.
Thank you, for sharing this idea with me. <3
One more thing! I definitely agree that God gives “teachable moments”. As we study particular Bible verses, or even the particular Proverb we are reading on a given day, I’m amazed at how God uses this Scripture in our life during that day or week. Just last night, our pastor taught on something that we had read just that day. It’s a big blessing around our home! If it’s O.K., I would like to post your comment on my main blog for others looking for ways to teach Scripture. Would this be O.K. with you?