It seems so long since I’ve updated this site.
Dial-up is another world when you are used to high-speed internet. I can’t tell you how difficult it is do accomplish simple tasks…things like banking, using the library or just checking store hours. Websites just aren’t being made to use dial-up anymore.
If you are trying to blog, or use fb, you must have a lot of patience. While you are online, also expect that no one can call your home, or if they do, after waiting 25 minutes for a page to load, you are quickly cut-off by the telephone ringing.
*Sigh*— It’s been a long, long year and a half.
Some of you may know, we’ve spent hours trying to get high-speed service in our rural town. First, the equipment was the main issue and then, when it was installed, we found out the local county government was holding up the installation process. My son, addressed the county and we’ve written letters and made perhaps hundreds of phone calls.
After all the work, I’m happy to say WE HAVE INTERNET again!! (Can you hear the choir as I type??)
I’m not sorry for the time without high-speed. It’s taught me to prioritize things a little better than I once did, and most importantly, allowed me to focus on my number one priority, my home.
I’ll admit, I missed this….but, I know it’s not the end all….
in any case, I’m glad to be back. <3 For today, I'm posting a few random pictures. Hopefully, in the days to come, I'll be here a little more often.

Wishing you all a perfectly wonderful day!
With my love,