On being Southern…. My children and I have talked quite a bit lately on being Southern. It seems that we have been surrounded by negative comments about the South and the way that Southerners do things! So, today, I’m listing my favorite things about the South! Sweet Iced Tea on a front porch swing on a hot July afternoon. Fried…
Little Blessing
Mondays are always so full here! We sit and plan over the weekend all of the things that we would like to see accomplished during the coming week. My list is never ending! : ) This week, my plans are to clean the new (used) high chair that someone passed along to us for Emma, thin my monkey grass and…
This is my sour dough starter after not having stirred it for a day. I just wanted to let you know that you should expect to see liquid settling on top. When this happens just stir it back down into the mixture. Yesterday, (giggle, giggle!), I found a recipe that looked really good for sour dough rolls. I was so…
Beware of Strangers!
This is the wreath from a couple of days back. It will take some time to dry and I know now about how much honeysuckle I will need. This wreath actually took a laundry basket full. I’m going to play with it a little more and I’ll let you know how things are going. *I’ve been asked, btw, if they…
Honeysuckle Wreaths
We’re on the move today. After a busy weekend, we’re buckling back down for a full week. On the list of projects this week is to work on making wreaths for my home out of honeysuckle. The picture is of the gathered honeysuckle that we have collected. Today, we are going to boil and strip the vines and form them…
Austin Phillip Arrives
This picture was taken during the recent storms here in Alabama by my daughter, Courtney. Always amazed by the night sky, Paul called her out to watch the lightning dancing in the distance. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to snap a quick picture while she had the chance. We have a new arrival to announce! Austin Phillip Lambert, son of…
It’s been hard to get to the computer over the last few days. We’ve had so much going on….the days have gotten away from me before I’ve been able to write. This morning we’re saddened by the passing of our sweet little hamster, Snickers. Last night she apparently had injured her leg while climbing around her cage. We knew when…
Don’t Close Your Eyes
I thought you ladies might like this….this is what happens when you doze off on a Sunday afternoon in our home! Yes, Paul is under there…somewhere! : )
Our Little Visitor
We had this little visitor today. He stopped by to watch Courtney hang our laundry…I wanted to post this, so our regularly scheduled laundry pic will have to wait until tomorrow. I find God in so many things around me. I’m not someone who enjoys these things very close to me….definitely not in my home (ask me how I know)…..but,…
Clothesline, Day 2
This is my clothesline, closed. To be making such an impact on my home keeping in general, it really isn’t that big. With that said, when we are on the land that we plan on having for the rest of our lives, I would like to have iron T-bars ran, stretching the span of a good distance so that I…
Clothesline, Day 1
This is a picture of my laundry line. I had been asked by someone if I could post a picture. It isn’t much, but man it does a great job! It looks so small…the box says that it can hold three loads of laundry, but I’ve found that it actually holds quite a bit more. It’s been great. I can’t…
Puppy is Clean!
Two meetings down and one left for Paul today. I’ve talked to him a few times and things seem to be going well for him. I’m so glad. He works so hard, it’s nice to see things begin to come together. Today, I’m working on p.j.’s for Jessica. They’ve been cut out and sitting in my sewing basket for quite…