Mondays are always so full here! We sit and plan over the weekend all of the things that we would like to see accomplished during the coming week. My list is never ending! : )
This week, my plans are to clean the new (used) high chair that someone passed along to us for Emma, thin my monkey grass and re-plant it in the areas that need it, work a little on my kitchen table (we’re in the process of stripping and refinishing it), plant my sprouting marigolds, start knitting place mats for the kitchen, shampoo my carpet, and hopefully embroider a few kitchen towels to hang on my oven handle. We’ll see how much of this actually gets done!
I got to meet my new little nephew, Austin yesterday! He’s such a cutie! You forget how tiny a little baby is until you hold one! He looks so much like my brother in law…it’s always so sweet to see the best parts of a mommy and the best parts of a daddy all rolled into one sweet little blessing!
Prayer Requests:
My friend, Tanya and her family. Her husband is still looking for a job and the time without a paycheck, I’m sure, is stressful!
My daughter, Courtney- she has not felt very well this week.
My Grandmother! We were surprised to hear her say that she was ready to quit smoking. Please pray that she is successful! She has done this before, I know that she can do it again!
Today, I’m Thankful For:
The changes that we are seeing in my Grandmother lately.
Finishing my Mom’s Mother’s Day gift…I’ll post a picture after Mother’s Day….(I know you were probably trying to peek, weren’t you MOM?)
All of our sunflowers seemed to have transplanted nicely into the yard with the exception of one that took a hit by a bicycle this weekend.
My son Joshua. He is the computer guru. Just when I think that all is lost…he pulls through and finds a way. He is just like his Father! For this, I am Thankful!
The delicious chocolate cake that I baked yesterday. The recipe came from the King Arthur Flour cookbook. If you don’t have this book, it’s a must have for any kitchen!
Tracy’s Task:
This weekend, and today, I’m making a plan to help someone else.
Stop and pray. Ask the Lord to reveal someone to your heart that just needs a “pick me up”…we call them “little happy’s” around here. You might send them flowers, or just a note to let them know that you are thinking of them. You might devote an afternoon to help them learn a skill or organize something that has been bothering them. You might just give them a hug and let them know that you are praying for them. Anything and everything counts…just reach out.
What I’m Learning:
I love to knit but am currently learning SSK…it’s driving me crazy! I keep trying but every time I end up off of my count! UUUGGGHHH! I’m sure I’ll get it eventually. (I’m knitting place mats for my kitchen.)
That despite the negative image that two-year-olds have, there are no better hugs, no better sugars than from a smiling little two year old who has nothing but time to sit and love you.
Today’s Scripture Meditation:
Ps 5:11-12
“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”