We had this little visitor today. He stopped by to watch Courtney hang our laundry…I wanted to post this, so our regularly scheduled laundry pic will have to wait until tomorrow.
I find God in so many things around me. I’m not someone who enjoys these things very close to me….definitely not in my home (ask me how I know)…..but, I do love to look and marvel at what God has created.
This little guy could have been drab and plain but God in all of His creativity, made him vibrant and green. What wonderful miracles we witness each and every day, if we only look!
Today, I managed to finish my first pinch pleat valance. It was so much easier than I thought it would be. I do still need to press in the pleats on the lower edges but I think for the most part it turned out pretty well.
We’ve also been working on Lines From The Vine. You might notice the ad for Paul’s new audio recording “Evolution:Impossible!”. This has been a project of his for quite some time. His testimony is pretty awesome….he actually once believed in evolution. In fact, at the age of 16, denounced the existence of heaven, hell, God or anything spiritual. It was not until a “supernatural” encounter that changed his mind and heart completely. We’re pretty excited to be able to share some of what he’s learned with others.
Do you have someone that has now passed but brings a smile to your face and warms your heart when you think of them? My Great Grandmother was such a sweet and special woman. I think that it is the Spring air that has me thinking on her today.
She was such a blessing to me. On a day like today, at her home, I would have been walking to the corner store, playing with the persimmons that had just fallen in her yard or sitting in her garden as a breeze blew and “snow ball” (this is what she always called her hydrangeas), blooms blew gently through the air. I remember her home always smelled like fresh biscuits, or soup or whatever she made just for me, to make me feel special. She still makes me feel warm and wonderful when I think of her. I hope that my faith out lives me in just the way that her’s has. I hope to be half the woman she was.
Prayer Requests:
Please remember to keep The Lawrence family, and their daughter Krista, on your prayer list. I think that she was scheduled to get out of the hospital today.
My son, Joshua, has had an earache off and on for a couple of days. We’re thinking that it’s just sinus pressure but if he’s not feeling better soon, we may be taking him to the Dr.
That the Lord would send just the right sales people for Paul’s business. We’re running an ad in the local paper this week.
Today, I’m Thankful For:
A wonderful visit with my Grandmother. We had such a good time and she seemed to be both feeling well and in a good mood. I think that she was excited to see us.
All of the laundry that I’ve been able to finish! We hardly did any laundry over the weekend and we’re having to play catch up.
Finishing Paul’s valance.
My hubby offering to cook dinner for us tonight! I love getting the night off.
My fresh bed sheets…they’ve been drying outdoors today and I can’t wait to climb into bed.
Tracy’s Task:
I hope that your mailbox is looking better. Please send pictures so that we can post them on the site. A few days back, I also posted a survey for Moms. We are also hoping to add the answers to Lines at some point in the near future.
Today’s task is a fairly simple one, clean your front door. I mean really detail it. If you have a storm door scrub it from top to bottom. Make a mental note of paint touch ups or repairs that need to be made. Wipe your door down from top to bottom. This is what people will look at when they are at your door waiting for you to answer. Make it something that you can be proud of!
What I’m Learning:
I think I’m finally learning to use my new cellular phone! Hurray!
10 year old’s are quick! We were watching TV tonight and a Victoria’ Secret commercial came on. (Don’t you hate those things!) As he was turning off the television I heard him say “Victoria let her secret out alright!”
Today’s Scripture Meditation:
I pray that God renews Himself within me.
Ps 51:10-12
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”