This is Jessica, in number two of the three new dresses. This one is my favorite. I can always tell that she likes them because she will twirl and twirl! What a wonderful “little girl” thing! One of the fun things that I wanted to do with this website is use it as a place to exchange information between women.…
Sunflowers! I can’t believe that they have sprouted so quickly but here they are! They look like they are going to be healthy little plants. I can’t wait until they are big enough to transfer out of our little temporary home for them, into the yard! Our weekend was good. I worked away on Jessica’s dresses and finally finished the…
Vandolf is Back!
Oh, the joy of Friday….after a long week, something about this day just makes me really sleepy! We picked our van “Vandolf the White” up from the car shop this morning. It still has some sounds that I’m a little uneasy with, but it runs! Paul is going to take it back next week for a quick check up. Needless…
T-Shirt Dress
Today, we are planning on (hopefully!) finishing Jessica’s dresses. I’ve let Courtney do most of the sewing for all three of them. She is doing a great job and T-shirt dresses give her a good start on basic sewing skills with the reward of seeing something that she has done well enough her sister can actually wear it…something that it…
Mosaics, Day 2
Day 2 of Mosaics….I took the day off yesterday! LOL! Today, we are going to apply grout. Please do not attempt to apply grout until your adhesive is thoroughly dry. This can, and does take some muscle! This is Jessica’s project, but I do have to help at least enough to make sure that the grout makes it down in…
15 Years!
The last 15 years have been the best of my life. I was blessed by God to have found the one person on Earth who really does complete me. Today is my 15th wedding anniversary. These are my thoughts to my sweet: My Dearest Paul, You are the love of my life and it has been a joy and a…
Clothesline, Day 3
Wow! This week has really gotten away from me! We’ve been so busy with Paul’s work and sewing that time has just flown. Today, I’m posting the last of the clothesline pics. This is the clothes line with two loads hanging. I have a Whirlpool Duet Washer. It holds quite a few clothes so these are no small loads. As…
Mosaics Day 1
Monday! I’m dragging today…Paul and I stayed up much too late last night! He was needing to finish the cable project that he’s been working on and I was busy tatting a lace edging for the pantaloons that I made for Jessica (yes, I did finally finish them…I still have Emma’s left to go!). This weekend, Courtney and I managed…
Sock Day!
I‘m still working on managing socks a little better around here but I thought this would give you just a little preview of what “sock day” is like at the Lambert house. This isn’t even half of what we fold and put away in our home when we match the socks. Today is Friday. It feels like this week has…
Fix Our Eyes
We’re up and moving this morning. Paul and I sat up late last night sorting through paperwork and various notes for our upcoming websites. I also enjoyed watching my hubby and helping him make camera cables for a company downtown. You wouldn’t believe how many little wires are inside of a big camera cable. I was amazed to watch him…
Calling All Moms!
It’s Wednesday…I can’t believe half of the week is gone already! Where does the time go? This picture is Emma Katherine the day she was born. The hospital staff referred to her as “Baby-Sumo”, I’m sure you can guess why! She has been such a sweet baby. I can hardly believe that she will be 6 months old soon. While…
Earrings, Day 4
Today we’re going to finish our earrings! This part is really easy. Using your pliers, open a small space in the ring on the ear wire (view picture). Thread the loop on your beaded head pin onto the ear wire and carefully close it! That’s it! In the next few weeks, I’ll try to have some examples of some other…