Oh, the joy of Friday….after a long week, something about this day just makes me really sleepy!
We picked our van “Vandolf the White” up from the car shop this morning. It still has some sounds that I’m a little uneasy with, but it runs! Paul is going to take it back next week for a quick check up. Needless to say, we are glad to have a vehicle again.
My Mom left this morning. We were sad to see her go. She has stayed with us so much during this year, it just seems sort of natural to have her here. We will miss her!
The picture today is of my new “tea” kitchen dishcloth. This is my finished mystery knit project. I thought it turned out really cute and I was able to finish it in just under a week. I can’t wait to start the next one!
My sweet husband is in the kitchen tonight. He told me that I could have the night off and he would prepare dinner! How nice is that?! I’m so blessed! I was so tired, I couldn’t possibly imagine having to stand in the kitchen and work on dinner.
Prayer Requests:
For me, I have got to get a better eating plan and stick to it! I always feel better….I just seem to stray so often.
For my family, we have had work rolling in lately and we need to be very precise in completing projects so that we won’t miss anything.
For my neighbors, my children have been playing more and more with them. I would like to think that this is the beginning of a neighborhood ministry for us.
Bad weather seems to be rolling through the South. Please pray safety over the people in it’s path.
My dear friend Christy and her son, Joey. They are both feeling under the weather this week.
Today, I’m Thankful For:
Our van being in our driveway!
My hubby’s CTN business seems to be looking pretty promising.
Finding the perfect fabric today for an office window curtain on the clearance isle at Walmart!
Being able to watch birds eating in my yard yesterday with my 2 year old….he was thrilled to just stand and watch them. It was a neat experience to share with him.
Believe it or not…dirt! I love to work with the ground planting and pulling weeds and such. I love what happens to an empty patch of dirt when you sprinkle some seeds and water! Today, I’ve been able to spend a little time playing in the dirt planting seeds! “Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to plant seeds that will grow into beautiful and useful things for my family and friends!” ….and if you read this and would like to become the adoptive parent to some plants when they sprout let me know…I’m sure we’ve planted enough to share!
What I’m Learning:
I actually already knew this…I had a baby food grinder when Jessica was a baby, but since then, I’ve just mushed food with a fork when feeding my smallest littles! Today, I found the baby food grinder at Toy’s R Us! At $9.00, you can’t beat the value. No more $.40-$.50 jars of baby food…as long as your family is eating fairly healthy, you can just grind up what you make for the rest of your family and feed it to the baby! Using common sense of course, you wouldn’t want to feed the baby a ground hamburger!
I’m really picky about what my children eat. It makes me feel better knowing what is in the food that they are eating.
Today’s Scripture Meditation:
I couldn’t resist this one today….this is one powerful verse!
Hosea 10:12
“Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.”
All I have to say is: “Lord, Let It Rain!!”
Have A Great Weekend Gals!