This is a picture of my laundry line. I had been asked by someone if I could post a picture. It isn’t much, but man it does a great job! It looks so small…the box says that it can hold three loads of laundry, but I’ve found that it actually holds quite a bit more. It’s been great. I can’t wait to see my power bill for the month. I’m hoping that we’ll see quite a bit of savings.
Tomorrow, I’ll post a picture of the line down and on Saturday I can take a few minutes to post while I have my laundry is out on the line so that you can see how much will actually fit. It’s amazing!
Today, is haircut day in my home. With three haircuts down and five left, I decided to take an early break and come type out my blog. LOL! Maybe they won’t miss me for a few minutes.
I’ve been studying quite a bit on the Passover during the last few days. I can’t wait to open a comment form on this site so that I can see what others are studying on this very important topic! It really is such a beautiful story.
Prayer Requests:
My friend, Angie and her family.
My friend, Christy and her family.
That we get a good response to our ad for sales associates for our business.
Krista Lawrence, who was admitted to the hospital with asthma. Please be praying for strength and healing over this young woman.
Today, I’m Thankful For:
All the new little seeds that I planted this morning! Beans, squash, peppers, watermelon, pumpkins and lavender! I can’t wait!
The beautiful weather outside!
The good meetings that my hubby had yesterday.
All of the items I have already gotten crossed off my “To Do” list for today.
God being so good to give me a renewed vision and desire for my home to be all that it should be!
Good news for my Sister In Law, Melissa… passing a very important test!
Tracy’s Task:
Two projects today. The first is to run a cup of vinegar through your washer. This freshens it and clears away any deposits from your water or detergent.
The second is family haircuts. I generally try to schedule haircuts every 5 weeks. I cut everyone’s hair in my home…if you don’t do this, go ahead and schedule haircuts for your family. If you’ve ever thought about home hair cutting it’s a great money saver. It’s very easy to find books to show you how or many of the clippers come with a video. I learned by paying close attention to the hair dressers when they cut my children’s hair. I learned what I liked and didn’t like and how to do it myself. I don’t think I could put a price tag on how much money this has saved my family over the years.
What I’m Learning:
O.K., This one’s hard to admit. Apparently, two washes, *does not* get puppy clean after all. I’ll admit, he looked clean yesterday but late last night I noticed that he had an odor. UGH! He’s making the trip back through the wash today.
There really aren’t enough hours in my day. There are so many things that I want to do. I dream BIG! I think if I could squeeze about 18 more hours out of each day, I might be able to skim the surface! With all that said, there is something to be said that maybe God is teaching us all. Something about the importance of the simpler life in that He only gives us so many hours. We have to decide to use them wisely and we can’t get so bound up in this thing and that thing that we don’t live at all.
Today’s Scripture Meditation:
Acts 20:24
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me– the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”