Good Saturday morning! I hope that this finds all of you well on your way to a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. I promised yesterday, an update to the rag roller experiment…this is Jessica’s “before” picture. I just used 1 1/2 x 4 inch strips of left over fabric to roll her hair. I was not very careful sectioning if off…
Baby Girls
I‘m going to be honest…I had a really difficult day yesterday. Two things happened, I first got out of bed and started my day without beginning with prayer and second, I think I was on the computer too long. It seems that my little boys are always a good measurement of how long is too long to be on the…
Burt’s Bees
We’re getting a late start today…we’ve been up too late lately and I think everyone just needed a little extra sleep this morning…(not the case with me, I’ve just been holding the little one)! We’re looking at a very full day. My friend, Kimberly, has offered to take some photographs of Emma for me this evening…I’m going to work today…
Cloth Napkins
This has been the cloth napkin project that I thought would never end. We have worked and worked. I don’t have yet a final number, but five large tablecloths make a whole lot of cloth napkins. Courtney is becoming quite proficient at sewing, and seen here, was finishing up the last few. I’m sure that we are going to get…
Mary Jane’s Farm
I always look forward to this time of the morning. My home is generally quiet and I get a chance to just sit and ponder my day and where it will lead me. As a child, I would have never seen the twists and turns that have brought me to this place in my life. If I had been in…
Water Restrictions!
Just when my little plants were showing promise, the city came around and announced mandatory water restrictions. At present, being an odd numbered house, we are only allowed to water our garden for two hours on Tuesday and Thursday. It seems that two of the wells for the city system we are on, failed this year and they are having…
Happy Birthday, Matthew!
Is it possible that he could already be seven years old?! The time has went by so quickly! This is Matthew getting ready to ride his brand new bicycle. He has been such a blessing to our family and we are so glad that he is ours!!
My New Little “Happy’s”
I will admit…I splurged…I finally have my very own “Vine Wear!!”
On Birthdays….
Happy Saturday morning! I’m up earlier this morning than usual on a Saturday. We have so many things we still need to finish before Matthew’s birthday tomorrow! I figured that I should get a head start. We learned something pretty great yesterday from the Shepherd’s blog…visit: It’s Vision Forum’s “Everyday News Network“. They already have some wonderful little news…
Herb Garden
This is my herb garden! I am enjoying it so much. Yesterday, while outside, I noticed that that there were several tiny purple butterflies that seemed to be enjoying it as much as I do. Believe it or not, I’ve never been a big outdoors person, I’m not really sure why I am developing a love for it now, but…
Dressing His Temple
This is my 10 year old son, Jacob. I’m finding that he is *Very* handy to have around the house…he’s my exclusive clothespin technician at the moment. In my recent “line drying” adventures, I’m learning that there are rules to hanging laundry, systems to hang it efficiently and that, as in all things, “cheaper is not necessarily better”. For clothespins,…
Small Sunflowers
Some of our sunflowers are not the “monsters” that are growing by our deck. This is one view of the smaller ones out by our storage space.