I‘m going to be honest…I had a really difficult day yesterday. Two things happened, I first got out of bed and started my day without beginning with prayer and second, I think I was on the computer too long. It seems that my little boys are always a good measurement of how long is too long to be on the computer. I’m praying that today is a much better day and that the Lord will allow me to get the things done that I need to get done and keep the “dynamic duo” under control.
Emma is guest starring in today’s picture. This photo was taken my my good friend, Kimberly Greenlaw, at her home yesterday. She did such a good job and I came away with a disk FULL of pictures! If you live in Alabama, and you would like to have your children photographed professionally, please write and let me send you Kim’s number…she is very good with children and does a great job!! My only problem now is deciding which pictures I’m going to have printed!!!
Baby girls are so sweet….(of course, so are baby boys!). I’m enjoying mine so very much…there is just something about all the little lacy dresses, and pink blankies that make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.
I feel so very blessed that God placed this baby girl in my home. When I think back, I can still remember being so young myself and holding my first little pink bundle…what a sweet little gift God had blessed me with….I vividly remember feeling the intimidation of knowing that I had this responsibility. I wasn’t at all concerned with whether I could physically care for her (although I have to admit, not being around babies very much this, too, was scary for me!). It was more the wonder of would I be able to train her and teach her properly. She was relying on her Dad and I to teach her everything that would make her who she one day would be. Would we be able to teach her diligence, and loyalty, trust and understanding?? Would we ever be able to share with her our love for reading and the true enjoyment of always facing life with a sense of humor? Most importantly, is there anyway that we would ever be able to impart Paul’s sense of wonder and excitement with the Word of God and my feeling of joy and contentment when I think of all the things He has blessed me with and seen me through? What an awesome and wonderful responsibility. If there was nothing more to my life, ever, I’m so grateful to be a mommy.
Well, another homeschooling year is on my doorstep. This has, as always I think, brought as many learning opportunities my way as it has my children.
This year we are making some definite changes to the way we have done things in the past. After much prayer, I realized that I have been guilty of comparing myself and my children with others ….I realized that many times I make curriculum choices not necessarily based on what is best for my family but rather what people around me are teaching their children.
With that said, next week, we’re going to be starting half days of our new school year and beginning to organize for the days ahead. I’m pretty excited about seeing where the Lord will lead us in our studies this year. I think it’s going to be the best year yet!!
Prayer Requests
My friend Christy’s son is having some dental work done this week….please pray for his comfort and quick recovery.
Paul is speaking with our business mentor at 9 a.m. this morning. He has been evaluating our business plan for the last week…a final step before we begin looking for investors.
Joshua is beginning the preliminary work today for our new website geared towards quiverfull families. We are praying that the Lord would direct our steps and make this a unique place of ministry for families seeking God’s will for the size of their families.
Today I’m Thankful For
160 Pictures(!!) that my friend Kimberly took of Emma for me last evening! (Do I have enough wall space for all the pictures I want to hang??)
It’s barely 8 o’clock and I’m already on my 4th load of laundry! WooHoo!!
My new Managers Of Their Chores book. The more I read, the more I think that this is going to be a great help for my family!
A bright new day…I can’t wait to see what it brings!!
My son, Joshua. He has been such a big help to me in all this website work. (I do vividly remember wondering why my Grandmother could not work her electronics….I think it’s sad that I’m having to rely on my 12 year old to run mine!! Maybe figuring all this out will be next year’s New Year’s resolution….yeah, maybe.)
Tracy’s Task
I am working on last minute Father’s Day “stuff” today. My husband is the hardest working man I know and I am looking forward to a special day meant just for him!!
What I’m Learning
Brandi, a mom from our Lines Yahoo Group, reminded me this morning that I had not yet given an update to our rag rolling experiment. (Thanks, Brandi!!) Yes, we tried rolling Jessica’s hair in rags (I will post rolling and after rolling pictures of Jessica…she’ll love this (insert mischievous giggle here)….on Saturday and Sunday’s postings). It worked GREAT!! In fact, it rained the day we took her hair down and after having to run out with me and Courtney in the rain to take our laundry down before it got wet again (one of the obvious down sides to hanging laundry on a line), it was still somewhat curly!! We were all very impressed with the results which made me cringe and grab my neck at the mere thought of all the mornings as a little girl I woke up with a sore neck following a night of sleeping with those giant, turquoise, plastic curlers in my hair, or the grocery store visits with a hankie pulled over them….ahhh, what we won’t do as women to make ourselves beautiful! Men could never appreciate the plastic curler phenomena.
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Today’s meditation is fairly short but it stems from the thought that we only have so many days of the Earth…we need to be sure and make the most of every one.
Ps 90:12
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
I wish you all blessings for the day!!
I think I’m having a bit too much fun for it to be this early in the morning!! : )