It’s Friday! I’ve been busy working my grand plan, so yesterday, I moved some planters onto the porch and moved off toys and debris that had been there for way too long! I’m already so thrilled with the progress that we’re making (though we still have a way to go!).
This morning we were so blessed to pick 2 eggplants! I’ve mentioned before, I didn’t realize that I had purchased 1 Japanese eggplant and 1 of the variety I’m used to…here’s a picture side by side so that you can see the difference.

We also have good news on the watermelon…it seems that we have a second chance. Maybe with milder temperatures and more water, it will thrive! We hope so!

We still don’t have pumpkins. Lots of blooms, just no pumpkins yet. This is another one of those things that I was really hoping that we would see…I’m already planning pumpkin soup, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, pumpkin butter and of course pumpkin pie! I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
This is the dress that I’ve been making for Emma….I’ve actually been working through the summer on this one. I hope I’ll having it finished in time for her to wear on Sunday to church.
I’m pretty new to smocking and would love to own a pleater. From what I’ve tried (which is really not much), it seems fairly simple…it just requires practice.

Prayer Requests
I’ve still not heard anything on the little boy mentioned yesterday who had a heart valve replaced. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Please also be praying for his parents…I’ve “been there and done that” and it is a truly frightening time for all involved.
Pray for my Mom as she enjoys time off work next week.
Today I’m Thankful For
My veggies that are still growing.
The work I finished on the porch yesterday.
A successful week on the new schedule.
The long weekend ahead.
An early start to holiday planning.
Tracy’s Task
Today, I’m going to continue working on my porch. I know that my shutters and my screen both need to be painted and the front door and door facing need a good scrub down. I’m going to also try and find my fall decorations (that storage space, AGAIN!).
We have plans over the weekend to give the yard an over-haul. I’m not sure how far we’ll get but we’re looking for results. I’m ready for everything to look nice and tidy.
What impression does the outside of your home give to those who drive by or stop in for a visit? Are there toys everywhere? Are there weeds waiting to be pulled? Do your bushes and trees need a trim? This is a great time to straighten and clean…it will be nice to know that you are ready for the coming holidays!
If you would like to have more information on the holiday grand plan, you can visit: http://www.HolidayGrandPlan.com
What I’m Learning
Sometimes a quick spray of the water hose is all that is needed to bring life to a welcome mat. I thought that our welcome mat had seen it’s last day…this was a surprise. I couldn’t believe all of the dirt that washed out of it!

Today’s Scripture Meditation
I Jn 2:12-14
“I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, dear children, because you have known the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!