Happy Friday!
I love Friday! After a long week, Friday always brings a calm knowing the weekend is coming.
This weekend, we’re hoping to get back to the web programming projects that we started last weekend when the hot water heater decided to fail. Hopefully, this time, we’ll be able to get more done.
We’re also working to gather our supplies for next week’s sew-a-long. We ran by Walmart for a few minutes last night to pick up our fabric. We’re going to make a few extras for Christmas gifts!
Today’s posting is on the short side….we’ve got lots of things that need our attention today including an upcoming camping trip for scouts. My guys are all so excited!
Prayer Requests
It’s still looking like my Grandmother might need surgery on her foot. Please pray for her.
Tanya and her family live near the area that experienced really bad weather this week. Pray that all is well with all of them.
Emmie got a great report from the Dr. yesterday but she is still sore and not feeling well following her baby shots yesterday.
Today I’m Thankful For
A great scout planning meeting last night…it’s promising to be a really exciting scout year!
Rain….rain….rain….rain….rain….we are so thankful!
My husband ….he encourages me so much. He made it a point to tell me how glad he was that I went with him to the meeting last night…he just said that it means a lot to him to have me there! I love this man! He makes me feel so special.
A good baby Dr. visit yesterday.
My visit with Angie over the telephone yesterday! (I enjoyed talking to you Angie!!!)
Tracy’s Task
As mentioned earlier, we’re getting a start on Christmas gifts this weekend. Today, I’ll be laundering the fabric needed for this sewing project. This is the first step to the sew-along….wash and iron your fabric to be ready on Monday!
What I’m Learning
A grumpy two year old can make an entire home miserable. Ben did not get up on the right side of his bed this morning and my whole house is suffering. I think some extra attention will be sent his way today.
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Mal 3:16-17
“Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name. “They will be mine,” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.”