My Frugal Friday tip to today is for diaper rash. When my now 7 year old son was a baby, he kept a diaper rash. We tried everything from A and D ointment, to Desenex, to a mixture my pediatrician had the pharmacist mix up for us. When all of those failed to help both relieve and prevent his rashes,…
Month: September 2006
Neat Week!
Good Morning! Wow! We are a little in shock that yet another Thursday is here! It’s scout night so we’re busy making the necessary preparations for tonight’s meetings! I have to admit I woke up feeling a bit sluggish this morning! Although, I loved the sweet and salty granola bar, and it is lower in calories than a candy bar,…
Tiger Puppet
I’m sure that everyone is breathing a sigh of relief to not have to listen to me whine anymore about my head. Thankfully, my Motrin did the trick and I am pain free today. One unfortunate lingering effect is the nausea but hopefully it won’t last too much into the day! I really hate migraines! It’s “Works For Me Wednesday”…
I‘m up and awake this morning. Barely. I picked my head up off my pillow this morning with one of the worst headaches that I have had in a while. I get headaches known as sinus related migraines. Imagine with me if you will, all the pain, pressure and misery of a sinus headache rolled into the blurred vision, sometimes…
Good Monday morning! It is such a bright and beautiful day. I hope that you all had a great weekend. We worked around the house…we were thankful to enjoy some much needed time with Paul. He also made great use of his time by repairing my washer and working on the dryer (let’s just say, in a family of 10…to…
Air Show/Regatta
Happy Thursday! My name is Courtney, I am the oldest of the eight children here. I am posting for my mom today. Today as I was hanging our laundry out, I happened to notice something in the sky. It was made from the gases that pour out of the back of airplanes to make letters or shapes. The one I…
Works for Me
Lots of things to cover today….first, along the lines of “Frugal Friday”…Rocks In My Dryer present….”Works For Me Wednesday”! Over the last year, we have tried to lower our budget as much as possible. We have felt like in order to be really good stewards of what we have, we should be able to account for all that we spend…
Raingutter Boats
O.K., so I’ll admit, I’m not the most timely blogger out there. I just catch a minute or two…between children, school books, and loads of laundry. I have loved keeping this website. I know that it may run late some days, and some days it doesn’t see a new post at all, but I have to say that it’s a…
An Empty Canvas
Fall is in the air…and thanks to a productive weekend…we’re showing signs around our home! Our outside “welcome”. Welcome to our home! I can’t keep people from making other words from my Autumn blocks. How many words can you make from Autumn? The weather has been beautiful….Courtney took these pictures from our yard this morning. Crepe Myrtle Purple flowers at…
Frugal Friday
What a morning this is turning out to be! The plans that I made yesterday, for today, seem to have taken a back seat to last minute things that keep popping up. This combined with a home full of tired people, thanks to the teething infant who was up most of the night, is making for a rough day. This…
I’m Back!
Good Morning! It has been a very long week and I needed to take some time off to take care of things for my family. Thank you so much, Joshua, for blogging for me yesterday! I’m such a blessed mom to have you guys! I enjoyed so much a visit to my Mom’s over the weekend….she won’t know it until…
Laundry and Storms
Hello everyone, My name is Joshua Lambert. I am posting for Mom today. As I was looking out the window today I saw our clothes hanging out on the line, then when I looked up……I saw rain clouds. Now I don’t know if you read Mom’s posting about the time when we had laundry hanging up. I thought I would…