How about some free cross stitch pattern links? I’ve been on a cross stitching kick lately- working a little here and there on small-ish type projects after the littles go to bed and my evening work is done. Here are a few that look interesting: Little Robin A collection of various small patterns Teapot They are the inspired creation of…
Tag: sewing
August 24, 2010
It would seem summer is winding to an end. Though the days are still hot, hot, hot, the evenings are definitely feeling cooler. I think we’re only weeks away from opening the windows!! The house always smells so nice with fresh air. Before I forget, please be praying for my little nephew. I’m really not at liberty to discuss details,…
August Thoughts
Our 1st Cucumber- Butternut Squash just picked from the yard- Courtney studies for the last leg of highschool- Joshua doing the same- Can you believe we have TWO children graduating this year? Where did the time go? It only feels like a dream when I remember holding Joshua in my arms each morning. His little eyes would look so sleepy…
July 20, 2010
Only SEVEN days until my birthday!!! *smile* I’m not sure why that is so exciting. We really don’t have anything big planned, but, it’s my birthday, and birthdays are just fun. : ) Well, we’ve been sewing! I’m so glad….for some reason, pulling out the sewing machine and playing with fabric just makes this new house feel even more like…
Learning to Crochet
These two have a very, very patient older sister…
Famiy Projects
A few things we’ve done over the last few weeks: A new tetherball set for the kiddos- Courtney votes for the FIRST time (and is now, a sitting, elected official in our county!!)- A new, simple quilt for Meredith’s first birthday- “Chia Paul”…a result of a gardening project I did with the children-
Horrible Weather
We experienced very bad weather in our area yesterday. Please remember those families who lost loved ones here in Alabama yesterday. I’m not sure that anyone is ever prepared for storms like the ones that rolled through our state. We were fortunate and were not harmed by them…it is always a walk of faith for me…we live in a mobile…
Rice Socks
Did I mention fall last week? Apparently, I was mistaken! It’s supposed to be in the 90’s this week! This, just as I have gotten all of our winter clothing out and am in the process of packing our summer things! *Sigh* Oh well, it will come soon enough, I guess! Today, we’re getting to our rice sock project! I…
Quilting has long been one of my favorite things to do. There is a deep satisfaction in seeing your child bundled in something you created with your own hands. My first experience with quilting was with my Mom. She decided when I was a younger teen to take me to a quilting guild with the purpose of trying to create…
Cloth Napkins
This has been the cloth napkin project that I thought would never end. We have worked and worked. I don’t have yet a final number, but five large tablecloths make a whole lot of cloth napkins. Courtney is becoming quite proficient at sewing, and seen here, was finishing up the last few. I’m sure that we are going to get…
Little Blessing
Mondays are always so full here! We sit and plan over the weekend all of the things that we would like to see accomplished during the coming week. My list is never ending! : ) This week, my plans are to clean the new (used) high chair that someone passed along to us for Emma, thin my monkey grass and…
Austin Phillip Arrives
This picture was taken during the recent storms here in Alabama by my daughter, Courtney. Always amazed by the night sky, Paul called her out to watch the lightning dancing in the distance. She couldn’t resist the opportunity to snap a quick picture while she had the chance. We have a new arrival to announce! Austin Phillip Lambert, son of…