We experienced very bad weather in our area yesterday. Please remember those families who lost loved ones here in Alabama yesterday. I’m not sure that anyone is ever prepared for storms like the ones that rolled through our state.
We were fortunate and were not harmed by them…it is always a walk of faith for me…we live in a mobile home and have one car so we are not always able to evacuate in these situations. The storms seemed so bad yesterday, that Paul took off work to come home just in case we needed to leave and go stay with close friends (thanks for the offer Christy!!).
Back to yesterday’s lesson, we didn’t get to quite finish because of all the weather activity in the area, and I would like to mention that I am grateful that Lisa offered to put these into proper crochet terminology for me, and those who are lost by my instructions! 🙂
So let’s get to today’s lesson….
These are the instructions for doing the shell pattern that will go on top of this row (of course, you are always welcome to stop here, if you would like as well!)
(BTW, you will notice that I switched yarn from my lesson yesterday, I thought the thicker yarn would be easier to see but the thinner cotton is very pretty!)
This is a picture of a fleece blanket that I completed last year for my home and the crochet around the edges:
To begin, with one loop on your hook, grab your yarn over your hook (this is called a “yarn over”…you bring the yarn over the hook from the back to the front and hold it in the crook of the crochet hook.) Put the hook into the first existing stitch on the blanket (the one we completed yesterday), yarn over again and pull the yarn through all three loops that are on the hook. Yarn over again and pull through two loops. Yarn over and pull through two loops again. You have just completed your first “double crochet”.
To create the shell pattern, you will complete 5 double crochets in the first stitch, skip the next stitch, Put your hook into the third stitch on your foundation row and pull your yarn under both threads, yarn over and pull your thread through the two loops on your hook. Only one loop should remain on the hook and this is your first completed single crochet.
Skip the next stitch and then begin the process again. The pattern will be something like double crochet 5, in each stitch, skip the next stitch, single crochet in the next stitch, skip the next stitch, and back to the beginning. This sounds far more complicated than it is…and thank you again for the offer to make it more read-able! 🙂
This is a very old method of finishing baby blankets and it turns out so nice…you won’t be disappointed!
When you have worked your way all the way around the blanket, slip stitch the end with the beginning and knot off your yarn.
Please let me know if you have any questions…I’ll do my best to answer them for you.
Today, is actually Frugal Friday and as promised, we are making on type of burp cloth.
I have started making my own because I found after one child, the gauze cotton burp cloth/cloth diaper things they sell usually don’t last more than a few months of washing before they begin to look horrible and I can’t imagine how they must feel for a little one who has their head rested on all those little fuzz balls!
…and this even if it’s washed with baby detergent.
These don’t take very long and are super cute as gifts, or for your little one if you make burp cloths to match the receiving blankets that we made last week.
(BTW, if you have a serger, this process with be much faster and I’m sure somewhat easier…I don’t, so we’ll be doing it all on a standard sewing machine.
To do this, you will need:
100% cotton fabric
print (very small amount) to match blankets, if desired
trim to match blankets, if desired
cotton batting
thread to match.
Start by cutting your fabric and batting. The measurements are 13″x17″. You need one piece of batting this size, and two pieces of white fabric.
Layer them, just like you would a quilt if you were sewing it on the machine: 2 layers of fabric and then the batting on top (this will make sure the batting is on the inside when you turn it).
Pin all layers together.
Stitch around all four sides, leaving a 2″ opening.
Trim seams, especially corners and turn right side out.
Stitch the opening closed.
Iron flat.
Fold, lengthwise, the burp cloth into thirds and mark down this line with straight pins to create a stitching line.
Stitch. This is what the stitching lines should look like:
Using your left over fabric from making blankets, you will need a strip about 5″x14″. Iron under 1/4″ on top and bottom edges.
Pin fabric at the top and bottom of strip. If you are using a trim, it will be pinned into place as well.
Stitch 1/8″ from edge on top and bottom. (Use a color thread to match the fabric on top and then white thread in the bobbin so that you won’t see stitching on the back.)
Trim the sides to 1/4″ and tuck them in to match the edges of the burp cloth. Stitch 1/8″ from the edge. Cut away dangling threads.
Press well and you are done!
These are such nice sets!
As always, if you would like to read other great frugal tips, visit Biblical Womanhood!
This particular post is one of a series I’m doing on frugal tips for preparing for a new baby. Though these burp cloths will initially be more expensive, they will last longer and properly taken care of, will be able to be passed down to more children.
In the coming weeks, we’re going to be covering maternity clothes, packing for the hospital, another style of burp cloth, making your own cloth diapers, stocking a freezer for baby’s arrival, and whatever else I can think of! 🙂
Prayer Requests
Please pray for families missing loved ones this morning after the storms yesterday.
Please continue to pray for Derrik (has been hospitalized with cystic fibrosis) and his family.
That I don’t confuse any of you too much with my tutorials! : )
Today I’m Thankful For
The safety of my family yesterday
A cup of yogurt with breakfast this morning…I love this stuff…and I haven’t forgotten that one of my projects is to learn to make my own!
Wonderful emails that I get from all of you
Nice weather today
The opportunity, hopefully, to finish a little more on our bathroom project this weekend.
Tracy’s Task
We still have homeschooling to do today. I also need to:
Make tortillas for a casserole we’re having for dinner tonight (we didn’t get to have yesterday)
Lay out Paul’s clothes for work tomorrow and church clothes for everyone for Sunday.
Clean in my current home zone
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Mrs. Wilt at The Sparrow’s Nest has her latest Proverbs 31 thoughts up. This time, they are covering:
Prov 31:11-12
11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Prov 31:23
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
I love this series. She is doing such a good job and I must confess, Proverbs 31 is where a lot of my time is spent too. I know that I have shared with a few of you that my heart has really undergone such a change since I was first married. I wish that I could say that since day one of our marriage (Mrs. Wilt brings up a good point that it should even start before the marriage) that I had brought my husband good and not evil all the days of my life. The truth is, I still struggle…though I try to be very careful with my words and actions, I have to constantly examine my heart because our heart’s motives are more obvious to others (especially our husbands) than we would like to think and sometimes I still find my thoughts to be rather selfish.
I do think about how my husband and my children would view me if I were gone today…would Paul know how much I love him and am devoted to him? Would he see me as being a loyal and faithful wife? Would he think that I respected him? Would he think of me as a precious jewel? Diligent and careful in all the ways that I represent him? Our family? Our Lord?
What about my children? Would they know that I faithfully served my husband? Would they have seen respect modeled for them in a way that would teach them to do the same where their father is concerned? What kind of example would I be for them in their own marriages, with their own spouse and children?
*Ahem*….let’s just say that I see a lot of room for improvement daily. I want the Lord to shape and mold me in a way that would please Him and honor my husband.
Proverbs 31…what a model! I’m so grateful that the Lord is so forgiving! 🙂 …….but, I will continue to walk daily with hopes that I can step a little closer to her example, and to that of my Lord!
May your home be blessed with joy and love today!
With my love,