Lots of things to cover today….first, along the lines of “Frugal Friday”…Rocks In My Dryer present….”Works For Me Wednesday”!
Over the last year, we have tried to lower our budget as much as possible. We have felt like in order to be really good stewards of what we have, we should be able to account for all that we spend money on and make the most of every penny.

One of the things that we have cut back on is cleaning products. Though furniture polish is still on the list, we stretch it really far by having a polishing cloth. I apply lemon oil to my furniture with a rag that I’ve marked “do not wash”…after using it a few times the cloth is naturally oily and I don’t have to continue using more and more oil (I always go over the furniture first with a duster so that the cloth doesn’t get nasty!) It works for me and has saved me yet another expense every month! What works for you?
Prayer Requests
Paul came home yesterday and shared some news about his job …it could be nice for our family but as in everything, we won’t know until the end of the week. Please pray for us as we feel like we have been tossed from one direction to the other over the last few years.
I’m not sure why but Brandi G., one of our Lines’ Yahoo group moms has been on my mind over the last couple of days. Please keep her in your prayers today.
Joshua, my oldest son, has been complaining about his back bothering him over the last little bit….please pray for healing over him.
Today I’m Thankful For
A wonderful breakfast, including biscuits, made by Josh and cut by the same biscuit cutter that my Great-Grandmother used to make biscuits for me with when I was a little girl. She would be so proud.

A sweet time out with my dearest, Paul, last evening. We haven’t been out together in so long…it seems that our lives are always focused on someone else. It’s nice to just sit and spend time with him.
More progress on my Christmas list last night…a little at a time we’re getting it done so it won’t be a “last minute” thing.
I know it’s early, but I’m thankful for the quick walk down the Christmas isles last night at Hobby Lobby…I’m so glad the colder weather is moving in!! There is just something comfortable about the winter months! 🙂
Some GREAT thrift store finds while I was out! I even found a replacement for my well worn out copy of Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons…for $3.00!!!
Tracy’s Tasks

O.K., I promised finger puppets…here is the first (I’m thinking that this might be an every week thing until we have an entire collection!)
I’ve looked at several patterns on the interned and in books and due to my being so new at knitting and not really liking the patterns, I’ve created my own.
For those of you who knit a lot, I know that my pattern lacks quite a bit but I would like to add it to the article index here so suggestions, comments, etc. are very much welcome and appreciated.
Without any further delay, the chick pattern (as primitive as it might be)!

Cast on 15 stitches (this will be loose on the finger but I was trying to accommodate Daddy hands that might want to play along!) …Leave a tail of several inches.
1Row: K
2-5th Rows: Knit in a ribbed stitch, (knit, purl, knit, etc.)
6th-? rows: Alternate knit, purl rows, beginning with knit until it measures 1 1/2″ – 1 3/4″.
Last full row: Ktog all the way across (knit last stitch)
Carefully slide work off of knitting needle and with a large eyed tapestry needle (or whatever big needle you might have…I had a plastic canvas blue one), thread yarn through all holes and pull tight to close on top.
You want the purl side to be facing out at this point. Using the tail that was originally left from casting on, re-thread needle and use this to stitch closed the finger puppet along the back. Secure tightly.
Turn finger puppet inside out.
Thread needle with two 8″ lengths of yarn and take one stitch at the very top of finger puppet, leaving the tails free. Tie these together and cut short to create the “fluff” on top of his head. Run a fine tooth comb through this yarn a couple of times to make it fluffy.
Make two french knots from yarn where you would like to place the eyes.
The bill is made from orange…
Cast on 4 stitches, leave a tail.
Knit 4 rows
On the 5th row, k2tog all the way across and then bind off in the last row.
Try and shape this piece into an oval, fold in half, stitch across with orange yarn and stitch in place onto finger puppet.
I know that these are probably really awful instructions so I’ll be glad to answer questions….
We’re hoping to give a collection of these to my three younger children for Christmas with a set of Lincoln Logs or wooden blocks. Because they are for so many children, I’m going to make four of each animal. Each one only takes about 30 minutes to make.
I also am using (or at least trying to use) all cotton yarn. I don’t know why I’ve developed such a preference for it, but it really is nice.
That’s it for this week, please feel free to ask questions! …and if anyone makes them, I would love to share a picture!
What I’m Learning
This was a really neat website that I thought I would share…I never cease to be amazed by all the resources that are on the internet!
This is one worth checking out!! Visit www.Menus4Moms.com!
If you have a favorite website, please send it in…I love to share great websites!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
Paul’s favorite book of the Bible is James…I can understand why…it is full of so much teaching and wisdom.
James 1:22-25
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror
and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it– he will be blessed in what he does.”