It’s been hard to get to the computer over the last few days. We’ve had so much going on….the days have gotten away from me before I’ve been able to write. This morning we’re saddened by the passing of our sweet little hamster, Snickers. Last night she apparently had injured her leg while climbing around her cage. We knew when…
Tag: sewing
Our Little Visitor
We had this little visitor today. He stopped by to watch Courtney hang our laundry…I wanted to post this, so our regularly scheduled laundry pic will have to wait until tomorrow. I find God in so many things around me. I’m not someone who enjoys these things very close to me….definitely not in my home (ask me how I know)…..but,…
Puppy is Clean!
Two meetings down and one left for Paul today. I’ve talked to him a few times and things seem to be going well for him. I’m so glad. He works so hard, it’s nice to see things begin to come together. Today, I’m working on p.j.’s for Jessica. They’ve been cut out and sitting in my sewing basket for quite…
Sour Dough
This is Jessica, in number two of the three new dresses. This one is my favorite. I can always tell that she likes them because she will twirl and twirl! What a wonderful “little girl” thing! One of the fun things that I wanted to do with this website is use it as a place to exchange information between women.…
Clothesline, Day 3
Wow! This week has really gotten away from me! We’ve been so busy with Paul’s work and sewing that time has just flown. Today, I’m posting the last of the clothesline pics. This is the clothes line with two loads hanging. I have a Whirlpool Duet Washer. It holds quite a few clothes so these are no small loads. As…