Did I mention fall last week?
Apparently, I was mistaken! It’s supposed to be in the 90’s this week! This, just as I have gotten all of our winter clothing out and am in the process of packing our summer things! *Sigh* Oh well, it will come soon enough, I guess!
Today, we’re getting to our rice sock project! I shared a picture of one, a few months back, that I had made for my mom. They really are a simple and useful gift.
Though most people just use colored fabric as opposed to the white …I chose to make mine more like a pillow, with a case, so that this part that goes next to the skin, can be taken off and washed.
Before we begin, as in everything, I have to make the most use of my time. Rather than sewing just the inside, I go ahead and do all of my ironing, both for the case and the sock itself at once, then I will sew all at once, etc. I’ve found that the sewing job goes much faster this way!
Let’s get started:
The first step is to iron the fabric, both for the inside and the outside.

Next, cut the fabric for the inside and outside of the socks.

You will need two pieces cut to 5″x11″ for the inside fabric, and two pieces cut to 6″x12″ for the outside fabric.
I use a rotary cutter to cut my fabrics but there is nothing wrong with measuring out a pattern on a sheet of paper (brown paper bags or newspaper make great patterns).
Iron down the hem for the case by pressing down 1/4″ from the end and then folding and pressing down another 1/4″. (Please excuse our stained ironing board…it seems to be “craft central” and gets lots of “love”!)

Sew the inside case, right sides together all the way around, leaving a 2″ opening. You could pin these pieces together but since they are so small, if you sew slowly, you shouldn’t have any trouble holding them in place.

*One note here, I always use white thread for projects like this. This allows me to work on multiple items without having to constantly change out thread…you would not do this with clothing or something you were making as an heirloom!

These are the three sewn socks that I’m making ready to be stuffed and sewn shut.
Fill Sock with rice. It doesn’t have to be stuffed…think as full as a 1lb. bag of dried beans from the store. The easiest way to fill the sock is with a funnel but if you don’t have one, roll a sheet of paper into a funnel and ask someone to hold it while you pour the rice in. Turn edges of opening under and holding together, stitch closed. (You could do this by hand if you wish.)

If you are just learning to sew, one tip that I learned a long time ago is to stop just before you get to the end, with needle still in fabric, lift the pressure foot and turn fabric 1/2 turn. Walk your machine two stitches and then again, with needle still in machine, turn to continue sewing down next side.

Don’t forget to leave that opening! (I’m so bad to start talking to someone and just stitch the whole thing! I’m so glad for seam rippers!)

If you would like, now is the time to sew on decorative trim to the outside case. If not, you do need to run a seam across the pressed down edge.

Next, is to take the first seams to the case. I HATE unfinished seams inside my work so I go through a few extra steps to finish even the inside of my projects.
With WRONG sides together, stitch around 3 sides of the case (the 1 unstitched side …the one you hemmed eariler, will be the opening) taking 1/4″ seam allowance. Trim close to seam.

Now, turn to inside and press flat making sure that the seams are in place to the sides.

Stitch down three sides, close to edge and press.
Turn to the outside and press again.
The last step is to iron your ribbon, first turning under 1/4″ and then another 1/4″. Stitch into place on the inside opening of the case.
Tada! One rice sock!
I’ll be happy to answer any questions that you might have…just email me. Sewing is a lot of fun…especially if you start with projects that can be finished in just an hour or two.
These can be used one of two ways, you can either put them in the freezer (which is where I store mine), for when you need a cold compress…great for sore muscles or headaches. Or, you can microwave them. My mom and my children both use them this way to warm the bottom of their beds before they climb in at night.
(My microwave is seldom, if ever used for food, but there is a line at night to heat rice socks!) The rice is GREAT for holding heat or cold for long periods of time and much safer than a heating pad.
I’m going to sew several of these for Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Prayer Requests
David Blackwell’s Grandmother died over the weekend. Please pray for their family as they go about funeral arrangements.
Remember to pray for the leadership of this country. This is something that the Bible tells us to do but I’ll be the first to admit, that it’s easy for me to forget at times.
Today I’m Thankful For
The storage space being clean! Hurray!
Extra work Paul had over the weekend.
Being almost finished with my laundry for the day (well, I’ll have to fold and put it away but the last load is in the washer right now!).
I collected several items over the weekend to add to the freezer for the upcoming holidays.
An enjoyable afternoon with my dear hubby on Saturday.
Tracy’s Task
Today, I’m actually working on a couple of projects.
I’m finishing the computer journaling part of “Seven Days To A Completed Scrapbook” to read what we have so far, click HERE!
I’m also finishing the details of last week’s finger puppets.
As for the Holiday Grand Plan that I’ve been working on, this week is Kid’s Room Week. We will be working on organizing and deep cleaning children’s bedrooms around here. Are there toys that you need to go through and donate before the upcoming holidays?
We are currently trying to divide our children’s toys into seasons. We will only pull out that season’s box so that they have a constant rotation of “new” toys and are better able to manage and store what we have out.
Also on the HGP list for this week is to:
*Make one batch of Holiday Goodies.
*Make one extra meal for freezer again labeled HOLIDAY MEAL.
*Buy two canned food items from menus (get 2 of each item, one to use and one to donate to food drive).
*Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts. Save all receipts, note return policy before buying. Ask for gift boxes.
*Wrap and label packages. If needing to ship, get some shipping boxes now and store packages in them.
*Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
*Check smoke detectors and clean them, change batteries if needed.
*Make “goody basket” for guest bath, from samples found in abundance in stores right now.
I’ve not started wrapping anything yet…but this week, I would like to purchase paper so that I can get a head start on this too.
We did get some holiday meals out of the way…I know it’s cheating but I *LOVE* the frozen lasagnas for storing as holiday meals. They are so easy to just pop into the oven! We purchased one of these, some vegetables, and baking supplies that we will need.
For more information on this, click HERE.
What I’m Learning
I think that there must be a conspiracy by child product manufacturers to create “must have” lists for unsuspecting new moms.
I was amazed by a list I read last week, published in a well known magazine, that told of the necessary baby items every baby must have.
What I am learning, well, have learned, is that you really don’t need that much…babies only have a few real needs and the most important is free.
If you would like to read more, you can click HERE.
Today’s Scripture Meditation
A thought for what the Biblical father SHOULD be doing…..I would venture to guess, a far reach from what the world tells Dads they are supposed to be doing!
1Thes 2:11-12
“For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”
So thankful for each day,