My Frugal Friday tip to today is for diaper rash. When my now 7 year old son was a baby, he kept a diaper rash.
We tried everything from A and D ointment, to Desenex, to a mixture my pediatrician had the pharmacist mix up for us. When all of those failed to help both relieve and prevent his rashes, I took him back to the doctor.
As it turns out, his normal pediatrician was out for the day and had an elderly doctor filling in for her. I explained the problem we were having and asked if there was anything else that we could try.
He told me that the best treatment for diaper rash is a combination of baking soda baths once or twice a day and olive oil.

I can’t tell you how quickly they cleared the rash and better yet, if we ever even see a hint of diaper rash, if we apply a small amount of olive oil, it goes away completely within just a short time. I’ve never seen anything like it!
It’s definitely a Frugal Friday tip worth trying if you have little ones!!
**On a side note, we started discussing “home remedies” and one of the things that stuck with me was the best home remedy for nausea is a little warm sweet tea. He said that many parents try to give their children soda to “settle” their tummies and in reality, the carbonation in the soda makes the problem even worse! I’ve tried this (and this is what he said he used for his own children) and it works like a charm!!
I love a doctor who has not only medical school knowledge, but his own experience to back up what he tells his patients!
Onto different things…
I’m going to be posting our emergency menu as soon as I finish posting my entry for today…you can find it to the left in the category “in the kitchen”.
Scouts went very well last night….here are some of the exciting highlights:

We had so much fun playing “Save Them Captain!” and watching the boys getting their awards.
Matthew’s scrapbook is coming right along. We’ll be posting the next entry into “Seven Days To A Completed Scrapbook” before the day is up.

*One note, we’ve had some “technical” difficulties with the scrapbook section of the website!! Well, O.K., we are still *VERY* new to
the HTML scene and had a little accident with the files!
I guess we’ll be re-compiling and uploading…I’ll post an update on the progress that we are making.
We’re looking forward to a good weekend. Paul has some plumbing work he needs to work on here at the house and he’ll be working for most of the weekend but we are trying to plan out how to make the most of the upcoming days off from school!
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Paul at work today, he didn’t sleep very well last night.
Pray for us as we consider and talk with someone regarding new housing for our family.
Continue to keep Tanya’s Grandmother and Fay in your prayers.
Today I’m Thankful For
A good scout meeting last night.
Having most of my laundry already hung out to dry and the last load of diapers washed and ready to hang.
Time spent with Emma last night…she just wanted to be cuddled last evening. I enjoy those moments more than I could ever say.
The leaves that are just beginning to show their fall colors…I’m not sure if there are many things that are any more beautiful than fall leaves!

Tracy’s Task
Today, I’m continuing on with my Holiday Grand Plan. I’m making a grocery list for items that I need next week, as well as gifts that I want to go ahead and purchase.
I’m also working preparing some plans for our weekend family project…this weekend to get into the storage space (we’ve been trying to get to this for at least a week!) and find our missing Thanksgiving/Fall decorations!
What I’m Learning
One little two year old in a bad mood can make the whole house miserable!

Today’s Scripture Meditation
Ps 5:1-3
“Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
“Dear Father, you know all that is on my heart this morning…please take these burdens from me and resolve them in your perfect way.”
In expectation,