Good Morning!
Wow! We are a little in shock that yet another Thursday is here! It’s scout night so we’re busy making the necessary preparations for tonight’s meetings!
I have to admit I woke up feeling a bit sluggish this morning! Although, I loved the sweet and salty granola bar, and it is lower in calories than a candy bar, (110 calories), I suspect the sugar in it might be the culprit this morning.
If you have never eliminated sugar from your diet…you really would not believe how much better you feel…but- you really notice it when you do eat some and then feel awful the next day! UGH!
I wanted to share this beauty with you this morning….he’s so cute sitting over on my hearth…too bad the big guy is destined for mason jars and pie shells! He sure will taste good though! 🙂 (I’m just realizing that the stem is missing from my perfect pumpkin, might be a time for a visit with the “Dynamic Duo” to find out what happened!)
This week in our family board meeting (you can read about this, HERE), I shared an “issue” with my family and that was that it seems no one in my home likes to practice tidiness. So we have implemented “neat week”.
(I know this sounds corny, but trust me, it was a necessary evil!)
This week, we are actively practicing writing neatly, cleaning, (yes, it is possible to be sloppy even when cleaning a room!) playing neatly , and speaking neatly.

When one of my blessings asked what this last thing meant I explained, I don’t want to hear improper grammar, I don’t want to hear unnecessary words (such as “good grief”, “what?”, and “Oh, man!”), which they would never even consider speaking to Paul and I, but I hear them saying to each other all the time.
They are to look around them for reasons and opportunities to be neat.
I can’t tell you what a big difference this has made in my home…little things like even the little boys are putting their shoes and socks away and my 7 year old is “neatly” sorting his laundry into the correct hampers.
I was asked how long will neat week will actually last and I responded “as long as necessary!”.
My new favorite word: Neat!
Today, I’m trying my best to get my emergency menu posted on the site…this goes along with the grocery list that I posted a while back. I couldn’t believe that I was able to actually feed 10 people for so little ($140.00 for two weeks!). I’m constantly amazed by the things that we think are necessary that when weighed out are really waste.
We’re also working on bedrooms and halls…we’re supposed to be doing laundry but the weather man is saying rain today ….we might hold off on laundry for another day!
Prayer Requests
Please remember the Blackwell family…they are under the weather this week.
Pray for my friend, Sherry Lawrence (for no particular reason), that she would have a great day and would feel the Lord’s presence all around her.
For scout night! We love scout night! Pray that this would be a ministry to the participating families and that they would feel blessed as the boys experience new skills and have fun!
Pray for Tanya’s Grandmother
Fay, (a Lines’ Yahoo Mom) we are still waiting to hear how she and her newest blessing are doing!
Today I’m Thankful For
Paul had an EXCELLENT meeting last night with our attorney concerning our new business. We are well on the way to have our business up and running. Please continue to pray for us and if you know of those who invest in new company start ups, please pass our name along!!
I am amazed and blessed by the emails that you all send to me…I’m thankful today, for you!
My friend, Christy. You are like my own sister. I am so very grateful for you…even on days when we don’t get the opportunity to chat, you make me smile just knowing that you are my friend!

Emma has learned to give kisses!!! Ahhhhhh! She is too sweet making her little kissy sounds!
Joshua, my little aspiring chef, is in the kitchen whipping up a Lambert breakfast…anyone in the area that would like to stop in for breakfast one morning??
Tracy’s Task
My main goal on Thursdays is to always help dear hubby prepare for scouts.
As his wife, it is my honor and my duty to assist him with anything that he needs me to help with.
Today, my job involves filling socks with rice…you never know where you will be asked to serve!! 🙂
What I’m Learning
I’m learning that life itself, is a learning process.
I think that the moment that I started realizing I could not control it all, and that each day would bring something different, is the day that I found joy in just living and learning.
Today’s Scripture Meditation
This is the part of the day when I hold my hands out to the Lord, and He pours out His love, wisdom and comfort to overflowing!
Ps 4:3-8
“Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him. In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Selah.
Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD. Many are asking, “Who can show us any good?” Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”
That I may dwell in Him,