We’ve had a pretty interesting day. On this evening, we’re glad Jacob still has all ten fingers. Boys. I think that’s all I have to say on this subject.
Tag: Jacob
October 3, 2011
To tell the truth, we’ve not felt so well the last week. I hate to see them not feeling well, but I think it’s just part of life this time of year. I’m always glad to see everyone on the mend, but this does give us a chance to pause and see them all back to health. Please keep my…
It seems so long since I’ve updated this site. Dial-up is another world when you are used to high-speed internet. I can’t tell you how difficult it is do accomplish simple tasks…things like banking, using the library or just checking store hours. Websites just aren’t being made to use dial-up anymore. If you are trying to blog, or use fb,…
A Piece of the Past
Some very dear friends brought Jacob back an especially meaningful gift recently: One of Jacob’s very favorite TV shows is Emergency (yes, from the 1970’s!). When our friends left on vacation they mentioned they might stop by the station…we never dreamed they would bring back such a sweet gift for him. He has been smiling since he received it….and shows…
July 16, 2011
This has been a long, long week. As we are preparing and starting our new school year, I’m always tweaking this and changing that….it can be a challenge, but honestly, it’s something I look forward to each and every year. We’re working with the littles using Five In A Row. It’s a long-time favorite in our home with our young…
You make my world happy, my sweet and growing, young son!!
Another New Driver…
We’ve had so much happening in our little world these last few months…. Jacob took the test for his permit and passed! He was so proud, and I am so happy for him. I was less than impressed with the DMV. —I know, I know, people share their horror stories all the time. Fortunately, until now, things haven’t been so…
A Boy and a Dog
Jacob has been helping a neighboring elderly woman with her dog. I’m not sure who is receiving the most benefit:
On Chickens and Blessings
It’s an odd thing to see your sons becoming men. It seems as little boys, you catch a glimpse here and there from time to time. As they age, you see more and more until one day, you realize they ARE men. My, my, how the time has passed. This weekend, was full of precious visitors and sweet memories. We…
Jacob’s New Pet
This little guy landed on Jacob’s shoulder while he was outside yesterday: We have a new love for hummingbirds now…my little ones were fascinated! This is one more reason why I love homeschooling…this is where real teaching happens.
When the Chicken is Dirty….
What else do you do?? I walked into my guest bathroom to find this yesterday: *sigh* Boys. Boys. Boys. What more is there to say?? Jacob decided his rooster was dirty and needed a bath. Amazingly, the chicken didn’t peck him. He stayed very still…who knows maybe he enjoyed the whole thing. Jacob was proud afterward– the chicken now smells…
Jacob’s 14th Birthday
The second birthday this week, Jacob turned 14! He is changing by the day and becoming a man right before my eyes. I remember Joshua’s 14th year being the last before he grew in what seemed like one night- and is now as tall as his papa! Jacob has been blessed in many ways this last year- God is leading…