Happy Thursday!
My name is Courtney, I am the oldest of the eight children here. I am posting for my mom today.
Today as I was hanging our laundry out, I happened to notice something in the sky. It was made from the gases that pour out of the back of airplanes to make letters or shapes.
The one I saw looked sort of like a piece of toast with no bottom……A few minutes later I saw the plane draw a line through it, making a letter A. As soon as I realized what they were doing, I dashed for the camera and my sibs.
The airplane made huge words in the sky! It said “Air Show”. We got to watch them make the letters. It was very neat. While watching this airplane stunt, I remember a few summers back when we watched actual tricks being done in the sky. Ahhh, the fond memories from far away!
When I was taking out the laundry, I had to go back inside to grab a jacket. I see Autumn on the horizon! What a rapid change in weather!
For the last couple of days, we have been working on the Raingutter Regatta event that is tonight. Who knew that a tiny boat(in our case, boats) could be so cute?!?
I didn’t, anyway! I tell you though, what I like best about these events, is that I can be there for my brothers, cheering them on and helping them with the building of the boats. What an awesome ministry and bonding experience that must be to them!
Prayer Requests:
My Dad is the greatest Dad ever! Please pray that he will have a fabulous day and get many things done as The Lord spreads his territory!
My Mom is the greatest Mom ever! Please pray that her day will be productive as she does the things that God has endowed her to do!
My Brother, Josh, has been having some back trouble. Please pray for a speedy recovery!
And Now I Present……..My Top Ten Things I’m Thankful For!
1. A Heavenly Father who is so gracious to Forgive me!
2. Two parents who are so understanding and thoughtful, not to mention funny!
3. Siblings who are quick to listen and hear you out, they play with you, not to mention the three youngest who love to be cuddled and kissed.
4. All the blessings God has bestowed upon us.
5. The families that God has surrounded us with.
6. The cooler fall weather.
7. The upcoming Thanksgiving season when we get to spend time with family we don’t usually see.
8. All of our readers for our various sites.
9. Did I mention the cooler weather?
10.The beautiful world God has blessed us with.
What I’m learning:
I am learning that photography in the morning and late afternoon is beautiful. The colors and lighting of the day at these times produce beautiful pictures, both of people, and of flowers and other objects. Try it out for yourself!
My Task:
To help Mom with whatever she needs me to do,
To find an opportunity to serve the Lord,
To finish up our Derby preparations.
Scripture Meditation:
Jeremiah 5:24
“They do not say to themselves,’Let us fear the LORD our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest.'”
Courtney, posting for: