O.K., so I’ll admit, I’m not the most timely blogger out there. I just catch a minute or two…between children, school books, and loads of laundry.
I have loved keeping this website. I know that it may run late some days, and some days it doesn’t see a new post at all, but I have to say that it’s a highlight to my days!
I so enjoy reading responses from those of you who are “just learning and laughing” like me. You all are the best.
Today finds us (yes, at the last minute) sanding raingutter boats for the upcoming (this Thursday) Raingutter Regatta for our cub scout group. The only problem with the rainy weather we’ve been having and an upcoming regatta is all the sanding done in my house. Ohhh the dust that will fall in the next week. In the end it’s worth it to see the sense of pride on a boy’s face over his new creation and the anticipation of knowing how fast it will race.
I’ve still not gotten back to the scrapbooking project yet….in a house with so many people, life has a way of taking it’s own twists and turns in spite of our best made plans. I promise I’ll get back to it as soon as I get a chance. Until then, kudos Mrs. Angie, on your beautiful first scrapbook page. I wish that my first page had looked so nice…you did a great job!
Prayer Requests
Please keep the Shepherd family and their newest blessing, not quite due, in your prayers.
Kim Greenlaw called yesterday and asked that I add her friend Madge to the prayer list…she is having some problems with her heart valves leaking. She is my age and has a small child. Please pray for her physicians, that they may have wisdom and may be guided by the Lord.
We are still working on MANY projects. Please pray that the Lord will bless our efforts.
Today I’m Thankful For
Rain yesterday.
My Grandmother seems to be O.K. by herself right now.
My Mom’s car seems to be good after yesterday’s repairs.
The sweet blessings that make me ever grateful for every moment that has brought me to this place.
The man that laughs with me everyday, loves me more than I could have imagined, and reminds me how very fortunate I am.
Tracy’s Task
Today is a great day to reach out and do something for someone else.
Is there someone in your life that you know could use a little extra attention?
Take some time out today to let them know that you are thinking of them. This doesn’t have to be anything that will take up a lot of time….just a post card or a phone call can mean so much to someone who is just feeling a little down.
What I’m Learning
One of my favorite kitchen gadgets is my garlic press.

I can’t imagine not having it…I usually use it at least once a day. I’m learning that it is one thing that I would not want to live without.
What are your favorite kitchen gadgets? Are there things in your kitchen you would never want to live without?
What are your least favorite? I’m thinking….my microwave. It would be the microwave. I would much rather have the counter space but I get overruled by the big guy who likes to have a cup of coffee in the evenings while he’s working on the computer!

Today’s Scripture Meditation
Heb 3:4-6
“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house, testifying to what would be said in the future. But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.”