We are asked about the phonics curriculum we use quite often. Honestly, most things change from year to year, but we have managed to find a few “keepers”. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons remains our main phonics curriculum. Years ago, when we first started to think about homeschooling our children, this was suggested by my uncle…
Category: homeschooling
Homeschooling Updates…
A quick post this morning! It’s fall….that means we’re reworking our homeschool day. We’ve thrown out the things that didn’t work to replace them with new ideas, projects, and supplies. This year, I’ve found some great things at the Dollar Tree. This little puzzle was one of several we picked up. I think Target normally has some really nice little…
Jessica’s 1st Art Class Drawing
Courtney has started taking Matthew and Jessica to art classes on Friday. They are having a great time! This is Jessica’s 1st drawing:
Budding Violinist
Emma just completed her first term in violin lessons! She’s been playing frequently….I’ll admit I’m humming that “eggs, eggs, eggs” song, all day, on most days.
Cooking With the Boys
Homeschooling isn’t all about books and essays. Most of the time, the best teaching happens as you go on, about your daily life. Since we began homeschooling (which feels like the beginning of time now!), we have tried to include the children in our day-to-day activities. Some of these things seem so routine, it’s hard to remember to include our…
Memorizing Scripture
Paul and I have been trying to add more Scripture memory to our daily, family routine. I’ve prayed over how to begin- and came up with a few fun ideas focused mostly on our younger children. One, was to make flashcards of a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. The Lord really blessed me when last week, rather…
Tadpoles and Homeschooling
Tadpoles and homeschooing make sweet memories on a spring afternoon. Ben brought me his latest “find” in the backyard. He says they tickle his hand when they swim. He is constantly bringing in some critter. He watches and learns. He asks lots of questions and I’ll admit, I don’t always know the answers so we look together. One of my…
Cooking Class
Timothy (8) has an interest in cooking. Not just any interest, but I think if it’s possible, he could be a budding “foodie”, even at his young age. He’s had this fascination since he was about 3…always right under me while I’m cooking…always asking questions. It’s not at all uncommon to walk into the family room on a morning when…
November 12, 2010
Well, as usual, time passes too quickly to blog regularly. The last several weeks have been a blur. We celebrated three birthdays, and two graduations. We still have a special 13 year old’s tea and then, of course, Thanksgiving and two more birthdays. It makes me tired to think on all of it at once. *smile* Courtney and Joshua are…
August Thoughts
Our 1st Cucumber- Butternut Squash just picked from the yard- Courtney studies for the last leg of highschool- Joshua doing the same- Can you believe we have TWO children graduating this year? Where did the time go? It only feels like a dream when I remember holding Joshua in my arms each morning. His little eyes would look so sleepy…
I have spent the better part of this week bent over the computer keyboard working on an Excel spreadsheet. My dear Paul, and very sweet Mother, have told me for years that this would be the best way to create a schedule for everyone. Being the pencil, and paper girl that I am, I resisted with every mention of the…
Back to School
I love that dollar section at Target!! Here’s what I picked up last night for the school room: Did you find something different? If you know of a good deal on back to school supplies, please let us know!