I have spent the better part of this week bent over the computer keyboard working on an Excel spreadsheet.
My dear Paul, and very sweet Mother, have told me for years that this would be the best way to create a schedule for everyone. Being the pencil, and paper girl that I am, I resisted with every mention of the idea.
So, here I am– in a new house, setting up new routines and new schedules. I decided it was time to at least give Excel a try.
I followed Managers of Their Homes (I was a test MOMY years back for this book…).
Teri gives such practical scheduling advice.
She’s a real momma, and she’s had lots of littles at one time while trying to homeschool.
If you are really willing to learn from an older woman who’s “been there, and done that”- this book will help to reign in chaos, and restore order to your home.
This is where I am for the moment (Well, at least what you can see, LOL! There are too many of us to fit on the screen at one time.):

I have yet to tweak it…I’m sure I’ll change things here and there as we go through the day, but this is a good start.
We’ve printed it to hang on the cabinets in the kitchen.
In it’s final state, I’ll have Kinko’s print and laminate it for me. Hopefully, by then, we’ll have a bulletin board hanging in the kitchen (we call it “Lambert Central”) for just this kind of thing.