Shhh…I have a little secret. I’m the Bath Bomb Lady. (In my best “I’m Batman” voice. ) *Smile* So, it’s not so much a secret to the folks who know us in person. We have gone over the top in pinks and sparkles. We are loving…
Author: Tracy
Happy 8th Birthday, Meredith…
Sweet girl! I can’t believe she is 8 years old already. She is beautiful little girl who just seems to look a little taller every single day she wakes up. She and Darby are the best of friends. She loves to help with the babies in our home. She helps with caring for our home. She loves to…
Happy Birthday, Jonathan!
Jonathan Patrick is already another year older. His 9th year has practically flown by. These 9 year old’s have proven to be quite a challenge for Paul and I. Terrible 2’s? Not in this house. Three year old’s tend to be very “active” and require a lot of attention. They are smart enough to get into pretty much everything while…
A Day at the Ball Park …and Memory Making!
Woah! I had no idea when I woke up this morning, we would have such a day of adventure and memory making ahead! Paul has been working at the ball park in Hoover this week, doing the 2017 SEC Baseball Championship. Benjamin had asked if he could go and see Paul working on the truck so Paul and I scheduled…
Happy 26th Anniversary
My, how I love this man. April 4, 2017 marked our 26th year of marriage. I met him when I was just 14 and to this day, he remains my best friend. This year, Paul took me to dinner at a nice place in Hoover and then we went up to Vulcan. It was absolutely beautiful and I could have…
April 17, 2017
Hello, old friends. It’s been quite a long time. Life has taken so many twists and turns in recent months. Each morning has brought challenges and blessings (of course, those challenges are blessings if you believe that all things happen for the good of those who love Him!). I have a new grand-boy. We’re knee deep in our little soap…
Book Review: Win a Copy of Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible
This month, Tommy Nelson sent me a copy of a new Bible, for review. From the moment the package arrived in the mail, my 9 year old son has been itching to get his hands on my copy!! I have done some other Bible reviews before but this one has really captured his interest. I was amused to…
Exodus 20
Exodus 20 is our latest scripture memory passages. A number of months back, our pastor was teaching through this section. Each week, someone would volunteer to recite this section of scripture. My older children knew The 10 Commandments. Some of my middle kiddos had to work a bit on it and my littles were learning just from listening to the…
We Have a Winner! – Good Good Father
We have a winner for Good Good Father! Congratulations, Marcy! 😀 I hope you will enjoy your copy of Good Good Father. In my original post, I mentioned I had not heard this song. I have noticed since reading this book I’m hearing the song more when I’m out and listening to the radio. Great book and wonderful song! Thank…
Tobias at 5 Months
Yep. It always goes by so fast. Toby is already 5 months old. These months with a little baby are so different than they were when I was a younger mama. In those days, it seemed endless…lots of sleepless nights. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. Now the days go by so fast. They seem to grow overnight. (He looked like…
Book Review- Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin
Based on the song, “Good Good Father”, this week, I’m reviewing Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin and Pat Barrett, published by Tommy Nelson. I had not heard this song before this week. I am realizing I must have had my head stuck in the sand, or something. Everyone except me seems to be familiar with it- I can…
NKJV Color Code Bible
This month, I received the NKJV Color Code Bible for review through the Tommy Mommies program! This was a different review for me- while I liked many parts and features of this Bible, there were some that didn’t make sense to me, at all. The parts I liked- the color coded sections are very similar to the coding I do…