Sweet girl!
I can’t believe she is 8 years old already. She is beautiful little girl who just seems to look a little taller every single day she wakes up.
She and Darby are the best of friends. She loves to help with the babies in our home. She helps with caring for our home.
She loves to have her nails polished and go walking with me in the mornings.
She twirls in skirts (isn’t that just a little girl thing?) and sings as she skips about the house.
She is full of love and joy and well, we pretty much adore her.
Do you remember your 8th year? I do. I remember having a fantastic birthday. I remember my 8th year being so much fun and I look back now knowing it was a year of transition for me. I wasn’t so much a little girl, but was becoming more of a young lady. That is the same thing I see in Meredith.
For those who don’t know, Miss Meredith is named after Mary, my grandmother. Her name also comes from the verse, “a merry heart doth good like medicine” (Proverbs 17:22). I see those words in her each day.
Also, “Grace” comes from the verse that says, “by grace you have been saved through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). I hope I see the Lord’s saving grace in her life as she grows.
She is a sweet, wonderful blessing to my family. I look back at photos of my grandmother as a little girl and Meredith looks so much like her.
Meredith’s birthday requests this year were to go to Build A Bear (seems to be a running theme in our family this year!), a ride with Daddy on the carousel at the mall, a new outfit for church (do you know how hard it is to find cute clothes for girls this age right now?! :P), legos, and an angel emoji cake.
Meredith Grace, how precious you are to your papa and I. The Lord is growing you each and every day. May you be drawn to Him. May He strengthen you and bless you with sweet memories. I pray your 8th year is meaningful to you and that you learn more about Him and the world around you. You are a delightful girl. I love you always, Mama. <3