Hello, old friends.
It’s been quite a long time.
Life has taken so many twists and turns in recent months. Each morning has brought challenges and blessings (of course, those challenges are blessings if you believe that all things happen for the good of those who love Him!).
I have a new grand-boy. We’re knee deep in our little soap business while we plot our future hopes and plans.
Some days are harsh and fast, most are soft and just flow from one minute to the next. I love my babies, my husband and my home. There is absolutely no other place I would rather be on this earth.
My littles are growing like little weeds! In just a couple of days, and in what seems like just a blink, my tiny Toby has turned 1, and Owen is 3.
In the middle of their birthdays was celebrating my precious grandmother’s birthday. Oh, how the Lord has been so good to allow her to stay with me in these recent years. I never dreamed I would have her longer than my mama but what a sweet blessing she is to me.
I won’t be away so long this time. I just really wanted to drop in and say hello for a bit.
May the Lord bless each of you who drop by to visit this evening. Say hello and tell me your latest happenings.
With my love,