Good Morning! It’s mid-February, today is a dreary day….I think that we are expecting some bad weather over the weekend. We’ll see…I have to admit the thought of just having even a little snow this year is very exciting! Prayer requests for today include the Blackwell and Fuchs families who are ill with the flu! I think that the Fuchs…
Author: Tracy
The Two Become One
Today we are battling some little cold “thing”. I hate for my family to be sick! Some would think of me as a germ fanatic but I’m just a mama who can’t stand to see my little ones feeling under the weather. We’ve actually been very fortunate to have not had any illnesses this year until now. My praise today…
Alabama Church Fires- Revisited
Today is Wednesday. We are still trying to rearrange our home and make it a little more organized and easy for us! It’s one of those things where you have to make a mess to get it clean you know? I have a praise, our friends the Greenlaw family received good news about their sweet little daughter yesterday. Apparently, right…
Alabama Church Fires
I‘m trying to start my blog again this morning. Apparently, my previous posts were lost when our computer had to be reformatted. One prayer request, we have some friends, The Greenlaw family, who have a daughter with some health problems. They are seeing a Dr. tomorrow about the possibility of her having surgery to remove a cyst from her brain.…