Tommy Nelson sent me a copies of two books from their new series:
Month: May 2015
Please Be Praying For Matthew
Obviously not thrilled, it’s Matthew’s turn to have his wisdom teeth removed. All four of his are impacted. Having had his braces recently removed, the orthodontist informed us that now is the time to have them taken out before they cause problems or reverse the progress we made with his braces. He did manage to talk the oral surgeon into…
This Week’s Visit With My Grandmother
My grandmother was well this week. Her roommate told me I had just missed them placing her back in bed. It doesn’t matter what time or what day I visit, she is always in her bed. I normally try and go in the mornings each week, this time I tried in the early evening on a Sunday. Hopefully, I’ll be…
Benjamin’s Hand
He’s got the biggest smile ever for someone who broke a bone. This week’s update from our orthopedic doctor was good news. His finger seems to be healing well. We have to return in one week to make sure it’s still healing. He also asked Ben to start moving the finger to regain some motion. We are thankful to the…
We Have a Winner!
Mary, I’m excited to tell you that you have won a copy of Daddy Loves You So Much!! I’ve sent you an email on how to claim your book. I do hope you enjoy your copy, as much as we are enjoying the one in our home.
ETHAN Project
Have you started thinking about summer with your children yet? The temperatures here are near 90 this week. It’s a reminder that spring is coming to a quick close and summer is arriving. I’ve been thinking about the last few years. I always had plans for summer fun. I wanted the children to go into fall with memories of exciting…
Book Review and Giveaway: Daddy Loves You So Much
My husband has been traveling a lot during this season of life. His work usually has him running in the cooler months, but this year his schedule hasn’t slowed a bit. It’s hard to balance family life and a travel schedule. We have learned/are learning to be very intentional about how we use our time when he’s away and when…
Today I’m Thankful For (1000 Gifts)
A perfectly, lovely Mother’s Day Time with my husband who arrived home yesterday after a week in Louisiana Preparations being made in my home for community fellowship tomorrow Lunch out with Jacob yesterday Watching Jackson- what a blessing it is to listen to his observations about life from his 2 year old little mind. I will miss him being TWO!…
Today I’m Thankful For (1000 Gifts)
Beehive boxes and frames being assembled in my living room. Painting is next! The progress we’ve made in the little boy room- the walls are almost painted. Next is to finish the trim and floor. Then it’s time for the fun part! New walls Jacob has been hanging that will frame out the bedrooms downstairs. He is doing such a…
Texas 2015 (Part 3- Fort Worth/Dallas)
Texas is beautiful. (Paul and I eating at an Italian diner and watching the rain fall across from our hotel.) The wildflowers are blooming. The bluebonnets especially, have come to life- they are magnificent. Our last stop on our Texas trip was Fort Worth. The very best thing I did when arriving in Fort Worth was walk to the…
Community Fellowship Reminder- May 12th
We would love to have you! Message me for details.
Winner: The Early Readers Bible
Congratulations, Brandy! I hope you enjoy your copy of NKJV Early Readers Bible: New King James Version