Just thought I would share this little tidbit with you, my dear guests, this evening!
This is our hall carpet:

I know, scary, right?!
I have sprayed virtually every cleaner sold in local stores on this carpet to get it cleaned. I can usually bring up some of the spots, but only after hours of scrubbing.
Granted, it’s not that I ever expect it to come totally clean…I mean, this carpet wasn’t new…it was a curbside find that I spent a few days scrubbing in my front yard. One day, we’ll have new carpet installed…but that may wait until there are no longer littles that insist on jumping in each and every muddy spot in my yard!
In any case, I was a little intrigued when I read this post mentioning a more natural method I hadn’t tried. I’ll even admit, I didn’t think it would work…but seeing REALLY IS believing:

I know it’s not perfect, but this only took me about 20 minutes. I’m excited to see what taking a bit more time might achieve.
Want to know how I did it?

Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and let it rest for 10 minutes, then vacuum.
Mix one tablespoon clear dish washing liquid and one tablespoon white vinegar with two cups of warm water.
I scrubbed the carpet with this mixture, but if you are just cleaning a spot, or two, you could just clean it with a cleaning rag.
You’ll be amazed how well it works!!