There’s really not much time for anything else…but, I did want to say a BIG thank you to Melissa! This is our exciting buy: We actually ended up with 14 FREE packages of Huggies diaper wipes!! Woohoo!!! Thank you, for sharing the coupons. With this many littles, diapers, wipes and coupons for either, are always welcome!!
Day: October 7, 2011
Happy Birthday, Ruthanne!
I’m Feeling the Pain….
My Big Girl…
Emma has been asking Paul for more than two years if she can have her ears pierced. You would think the thought of having this done was piercing his heart — he has talked her out of it one time after another. He finally told her that she could have it done when she turned six years…of course, that’s just…
Cleaning Carpets Safely
Just thought I would share this little tidbit with you, my dear guests, this evening! This is our hall carpet: I know, scary, right?! I have sprayed virtually every cleaner sold in local stores on this carpet to get it cleaned. I can usually bring up some of the spots, but only after hours of scrubbing. Granted, it’s not that…