4 Moms, 35 Kids is hosting another blog carnival. It’s been fun to scroll through the other family homes. It’s a great way to pick up ideas and it’s just plain fun to see how other larger families live.
It’s time for another installment of our home…
Quite honestly, I’ve been dreading the kitchen/dining room post from 4 Moms, 35 Kids- but, only because our home is “in transition”.
When we purchased this home in January, it was actually a 3 bedroom with an attached apartment.
Little by little, we are making it all one big house- we finished the living room first (scroll down to see pictures).
Next, we’ll be finishing out one of the downstairs bedrooms for our bigger boys.
For now, this is what we have:
Joshua, making biscuits in our current kitchen-

This kitchen will eventually become a bedroom with steps to the side that lead to the attic.
What is now the dining room used to be an exterior porch.

Have I confused you yet?
This is the dining room:

We do change the table arrangement on Sunday when the church folks come over for fellowship lunch.

I’ve had several ladies asking when we were going to post pictures…I’ve warned you it was going to be interesting!
Paul and I enjoy the building projects, but I’ll admit I’ll be glad when we’re a little further along in the process. I think it will be nice once it’s done– but, that’s sure to be a while off!
Paul reminds me of an old Chinese Proverb:
“Man finish house, man die.”
Enough said. *smile*
Thank you so much for visiting our place! We like to think that there are no strangers, just friends we haven’t yet met.
With love,