8:02???? I’m getting such a late start this morning! I hate to admit, when Paul left for work this morning, I went back to bed. I do feel better than I did when I first woke up…I think that I didn’t get enough sleep last night!!
I’m posting several pictures this morning! This is an update to my little gardening projects! I was so excited to wake up to opening sunflowers!! We also have the late planted (I know they aren’t going to do as well!), bush beans and cucumbers. This is all thanks to the wonderful, cool, pouring rain late yesterday. My plants are all saying a great big “Thank You” for the refreshing drink of water they received.
Paul’s meeting went really well yesterday. His business mentor gave him some really good advice on our business plan. Paul is supposed to make the changes and email it back to him so that he can make sure it reads the way it needs to before going to an investor. We’re moving forward. This has been such a long process, I’ll be glad to see it past these first stages. Paul and I both know that this process will equip us for helping other families with their own businesses, for that, it is worth the time.
One of the pictures is of our printed chore cards this morning. We’re making progress on having our chore packs done. This morning, per the suggestion of the Managers of Their Chores book, we’ve started our younger children with 5 picture chores each. I think that they are going to look really nice and they should work pretty well once we have them together. I still have to cut these out and get them placed into their protective sleeves. I’ve even wondered if it might be better to laminate them? I’m not sure if this wouldn’t make them too thick to use them effectively.
I have been reading about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar over the last few days. Here is some of what I have found:
(This is from http://www.Bragg.com)
Rich in enzymes & potassium
Naturally support a healthy immune system
Helps control weight
Promotes digestion & ph Balance
Helps soothe dry throats
Helps remove body sludge toxins
Helps maintain healthy skin
Helps promote youthful, healthy bodies
Soothes irritated skin
Relieves muscle pain from exercise
Paul’s Grandmother used to say that everyone should have two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey everyday.
Does anyone know very much about vinegar and it’s benefits? I’m still reading and learning. I have visited the Bragg site because we *LOVE* Bragg’s Liquid Aminos. I am one of those that think that it would almost be impossible for anything really good for you to be really good…but I was wrong! These are really yummy! They taste just like Soy Sauce. I purchased mine from the local health food store.
Prayer Request
The Blackwell Family….we know that they will enjoy some much needed rest when their schedule is back to normal!
My Sister In Law, Melissa had a tooth pulled yesterday (I’m feeling your pain Melissa….I’m soooo feeling your pain!!)
The Sommerset family (I forgot to mention this one a couple of weeks ago!) have a deployed soldier in their family. Please pray for his safety!
Today, I’m Thankful For
My friend, Stephanie’s email! It was a nice surprise to hear from her!
I think that I’ve found a way (well, it was my Mom’s idea) for making my own laundry cart. I’ll post more on this later.
Paul’s meeting going so well yesterday.
My little person who has decided to sleep in this morning, allowing me to sleep a little longer and get some much needed things done around my home!
Having a dinner with just my hubby last night! We didn’t go out and eat last evening, but since he arrived home late after his meeting we enjoyed dinner by ourselves…it’s a nice thing every once in awhile.
Tracy’s Task
If you have never joined a Free Cycle group in your area, this is a must! It’s a free website. When you sign up, you will look for your location at http:www.freecycle.com.org . If you have something that you need or something that you would like to give away, you post a message on the free cycle board to see if anyone is interested. For instance, a lady in my area decided she didn’t want a couple of matching frames that she had and she posted a message. I responded to the message that went out to the group (we could always use frames!) and she responded telling me that I was the first to email her back. I met her and picked up my new frames! Stephanie was sharing with me that this is how she received her bread maker. It’s not unusual to see children’s clothing and toys, gardening supplies, electronics equipment or even mobile homes being free cycled.
What I’m Learning
My Mom has such a sense of humor. It is something that will pop out when you least expect it. Last night, I was asking her about fig trees. I told her that I was not quite sure where I would plant them but that I thought it would be a good investment for my family. She started giggling and said “Boy! Y’all are being FRUITFUL and MULTIPLYING“!!! O.K., so I’ve never thought about it this way, but I guess we are. Thanks for the giggle Mom!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
It’s only appropriate…..
Gen 35:11
“And God said to him, “I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body.”
Gen 1:28
“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
My Favorite…
Ps 127:3-5
“Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.”
Until tomorrow,