So I missed a week.
I guess it will take some time to get back into the blogging groove, but for now, here are a few things from last week.
We took Emma to the doctor on Monday.
That arm ended up being broken in three places. They want to see her again in a couple of weeks for another x-ray, but for now, all looks well. She’s definitely more comfortable in her permanent cast.
She makes me laugh- she has not slowed down one bit with this broken arm. She is constantly trying to figure out how to write, and do the other things she is used to doing. Today (Sunday), she asked if she could braid my hair- and did a pretty awesome job.
Sunday- A lazy afternoon (those are so nice), and the only one I actually blogged for the week. 🙂
I teach the little 2 and 3 year old SS class at church. What a joy these children are to my heart!! We sing. They tell me what they would like to pray for each Sunday. We learn our Bible story. We practice Bible verses.
They are all happy, precious children. I love all of them so much.
When I was first asked to teach this class, I was honestly scared. 🙂 I prayed about it and decided to give it a go. We are ending the first year and it has been wonderful. They have so much joy in their hearts. I’m constantly reminded of Jesus saying that we need to be more like little children.
We had a fantastic church service. I’m challenged by our pastor and have learned so much in our year and a half there. I’m thankful the Lord led us to this place! I remember telling a friend I knew we were supposed to leave our former church but I had no idea where we would go. I just knew I had to step out in faith and trust the Lord to lead. Praise God for the wonderful people, the heart of ministry, and the leadership of this place.
Afterward, we came home to lunch. I had filled our big turkey roaster with potatoes and sweet potatoes, a crockpot with roast, carrots and onions, and another crockpot with peas. The house smelled SOOOOO good when we arrived home and the only thing I had to do was heat bread.
I took a nap while Paul finished his reports from the last week. (An unexpected blessing- he wasn’t supposed to be home until this afternoon. They ended up sending him home yesterday. I’m not sure that has ever happened, but I’m so thankful to have him home!)
He’s planning to take the boys driving again a little later and we are going to begin working through the Family Life online class on marriage.
I think we are expecting rain later today. I treated all the poison oak in our front yard last week. I was really hoping that rain might hold off a day, or two, but the Lord knows best!
Right now, it doesn’t look like the poison oak has even wilted. In all the years we have lived here, we have never had so much grow up in our yard. I’m wondering if it might be all the rain. The wisteria is also making an appearance again. That is a plant I love to see blooming around the south, but I don’t like it in my own yard since it so aggressively takes over pretty much anything else growing.
One quick note- yesterday was FULL but so much fun!! We attended the birthday party for one of the little girls in my SS class who turned three. We had just enough time to run home and eat lunch and leave again to attend a 50th anniversary party for friends.
Listening to their testimony was one of the most beautiful experiences. Praise God for what He has done and continues to do in their lives!!
They mentioned when they first married they had a theme verse for their marriage. Proverbs 3:5-6:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
It’s funny, those are the verses I have been teaching my little folks on Sunday mornings. It’s also the verse of the message this morning. When Emma heard that passage this morning, she leaned back and looked over at me. Paul bent over to my ear and whispered the Lord was trying to tell me something.
There are so many things about this life I don’t understand, but I do trust the Lord. I need to stop trying to figure it all out and just keep my focus on Him.
While I was there, I ate cake. Oh, my poor, poor stomach!! I knew better. It just looked so yummy. When I woke up this morning, I felt like I had a rock in my stomach, and yep, there is that familiar side and back pain I’ve been so used to having that had went away.
That cake was so good. I’m not sure it was worth what I am experiencing now.
Right now, I’m having to go for weekly treatments for Lyme disease. That isn’t so fun, but it does get me on the side of town to see my grandmother. That will be nice.
I also spent time last week making a master to-do list for our home. Each room has it’s own list of things to be done. I’ve already gotten some finished, but I have a lot more to go. When we aren’t getting school done this week, that will be my focus!
I’m looking forward to this next week!
This week I’m so thankful for-
- A young friend who brought me roses for Mother’s Day. I’m not sure she knows how special this was to me, and she will probably never read this, but what a blessing they were! We still have them sitting on the record cabinet of our living room and I’ve been stopping often to inhale their beautiful aroma.
- My dear friend, Christy. She is precious beyond words. Twenty years we have been friends.
- Extra time with my man. I’m thankful for every single minute he is in town. I love sitting by him in church. I love hearing him cracking jokes with our teens late at night. I love seeing him in the car with those older two boys driving all over the place. I love hearing him pray with my youngest children each night in their bedroom. I’m so happy to lay my head down next to him at night and listen to him sleep.
- Toby curled up next to me on the sofa with his little arm wrapped around mine. He’s a sweet, sweet little boy. It is bizarre to see him growing so fast. It won’t be long- he’s almost potty trained. This will be the first time in 28 years that we have not had a baby in diapers in our home. I’ll be honest, that is scary for me. For so many years, my life has been full of babies, strollers, nursing and diaper bags. It has not been always easy, but I have cherished each and every one of these lives the Lord has placed into our home. They grow up so fast- this quickly graying mama, is really enjoying these little people. I’m so thankful for all of them.
Summertime and ice pops!
Prayer Requests:
- My sweet friends Kathy (heart surgery), and Sheryl (illness). I know the Lord knows these individual situations and I know they appreciate prayer.
- Please be praying as I fill in the calendar for the upcoming summer months. It looks busy! Also, for wisdom regarding what projects to tackle when our home is paid off (just a little bit longer!) , and the details of those projects. I’m not so great about planning these types of things. I’m always scared we are going to spend a bunch of money on a project and then I hate it. 😛 I’m trying to think through every possible step.