The gardenias have been blooming.
I took a couple to my grandmother this week. She asked me to hold them close so she might smell them easier. Her eyes closed and a smile crept across her face.
There is a pleasure that only a freshly chosen gardenia can bring…my, my I do *love* this time of year.
Courtney took these photos. (I’m sure you could have guessed…. *smile*) She is up and out each morning, sometimes even before I rise- walking the garden, snapping photos of little bugs, the sun rising over the lake, or of the produce as it’s coming out of the garden.
Whether she realizes or not, she’s creating little snapshots of home for me. They are photos that capture my mind when I’m away, and make me long to return.
Today, being Sunday, has been full of rest. It’s just what I have needed.
Sunday has become heavily guarded in our home. It’s time for naps, time for a game of monopoly with a sibling, time to place your feet up and just breathe.
I’ve spent the afternoon with my honey, and my children. I’ve read a few pages in my newest read.
I’ve tried not to think of Monday, or chores (though I did give “pink blankie” a spin through the washer), or appointments. It’s been a wonderful gift from a loving Father.
He gives rest to the weary spirit.
I pray you have had an equally restful Sunday.
With my love,