We don’t celebrate Halloween, but I’m a sucker for fall decorations!
About a year ago, we screwed little cup hooks into each of the bedroom doors.
They are specifically for hanging little seasonal decorations. Just something to add a warm touch to the hall. 🙂
In any case, I loved this idea on Pinterest for fall. (Don’t you just love Pinterest?!)
With our own spin, I decided to re-create them for our home. (Sorry I don’t have step-by-step pictures, but you’ll probably get the idea!)

We bought frames from the Dollar Tree and gave them a quick spray with Krylon’s Glitter Blast. (A quick note, this spray can be a little difficult when you first use it– just spray a small piece of cardboard for a minute to get the paint started!)
We took the glass out of the frame and covered the back with scrapbooking paper (a different color for each door).

I glued half of a styrofoam pumpkin (these are in the floral section) that I had rubbed down in brown paint.
When you buy them they are a really bright, sort of tacky orange. Rubbing them down with paint really helps make them look a little more realistic (about as much as half of a styrofoam pumpkin can!).

They can be cut easily with a utility knife.
Please do keep them away from any toddlers you may have:

We didn’t.
We have been trying so many of these projects lately. I can’t wait to share more! I actually started a Pinterest board called “ideas we’ve tried” for all the things we’ve been making.