There is a day, that arrives at some point– you may not even notice at first, when you realize your children are grown.
On this day, I have watched my oldest son, Joshua, put in a full day’s work in our yard.
He has cleared years of under-brush left growing by the previous owners of our home.
It’s been hard work…he’s come in from time to time to grab water and rest a minute.
In the end, the yard looks better than I’ve ever seen it and he says, “Praise God, He has given me fulfillment today! The yard looks so good and now I know why some of our trees weren’t bearing.”
It’s not something he was asked to do…he just decided it needed to be done and jumped to action.
When do they start to see the world through an adult’s eyes?
When do we realize that they aren’t little boys anymore?
I’m so thankful to a loving Father that when so many men are unhappy with their lives, my son, at a young age, has learned a Biblical principle…
man IS fulfilled through the work of his hands. I would guess the world is filled with men who are unhappy and bitter with life…so many have never learned the value of work.
His hands have worked a lot and his family is ever grateful for his efforts.
God is good.
Prayer Requests
- lease remember Heidi, a very dear friend this week.
- Also, Titus a young man who took his own life.
Today I’m Thankful For
- A beautiful day– even knowing that we’re expecting snow tonight
- Two little girls singing in the floor next to me as I type
- Roast simmering in the oven…the whole house smells soooo good!
- Gardening plans being made- spring is just around the corner!
- A tiny baby moving in my tummy…what a blessing!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.” – 2 Thessalonians 1:3
With my love,