Life here continues on….
it seems that daily something new and exciting happens.
I was talking with Paul last night about how surprised I’ve been this last year.
For whatever reason, years ago, I pictured this season of my life being much slower. I had always thought that as the children grew, I would have more time for sewing, writing, etc., etc. I’m finding that’s not true at all! In fact, it is much busier….
This has been a season of being at home (for the most part), for me.
Gone are the days of lessons, and extra-curricular activities that used to take me from my home almost every day of the week. For a few years now, we’ve been a one car family and that has meant I’ve stayed at home more than I did at one point in my life.
I know to many, this would be a horrible thing, but I’ll admit, I’ve rather enjoyed it! I’ve spent much more quality time with my children and really seen them each develop individual talents and skills that I’m afraid would have been hidden had I have been still running here and there.
With that said, you would think without a full schedule, I would have more free time, but I’m finding the more I focus on things here, the more I realize new things to be done, and more memory-making opportunities.
I’m thankful to God for this focus. I’m sure, without His leading, I would still be out and about during the week and I can’t fathom the opportunities that I would have missed…especially during this sweet time when my children are all still at home. I know this is not to be the case for too many more years.
So, here are the updates for my family (I know I’ve not shared a lot lately)…
TOMORROW, we will find out what our new little babe will be…boy or girl.
We are EXCITED!!! No one really cares what baby will be, but it will be
nice to know.
Paul has finished yet another quarter in his schooling. He’ll be done with his bachelor degree before the end of this quarter year.
I’m so proud of him, but I’ll admit, when he told me what he was doing a few years back, I was skeptical.
He is still holding a 4.0 GPA. He is scheduled to begin law school as soon as he graduates.
Courtney, now works from home, for a very good friend of our family. This opportunity has been a blessing, and is allowing her to stretch her wings a bit.
She will also be working to help organize the business of another family friend. I think this will only be temporary, but again, a good opportunity.
She and I have spent some special time together since she graduated. She has long wanted to take cake decorating classes and in November, we enrolled and completed the first course. We went on to take the second in December and are currently enrolled in the third.
I’ll post pics, as I’m able, of our little creations. It’s been a great blessing to spend this time with her….we have had time to just chat and she’s been driving me back and forth to some classes, preparing her to take her driver’s exam.
Joshua, has been working for a new friend for about a year. This could be considered an administrative assistant position. He’s filed paperwork, receipts, made property management phone calls, etc., etc. What an awesome opportunity this has been for him. We are thankful that his employer is a Christian man- and the skills that he has been teaching Joshua are things I would have never dreamed would be available to a young many his age.
This job has been flexible and paid well. Joshua is working now towards the 30 CLEP exams he would like to take before entering college for his degree (we hope at some point this year). We’ve wanted him to avoid student loans, and this has been a wonderful provision.
Our other children are growing, growing. It seems that each and every day, someone needs shoes, or new jeans– they are all growing so tall. I think it won’t be long before I’m looking up to each and every one. Courtney and Joshua are already taller than I am, but now, Jacob and Matthew are creeping up quickly.
It’s an odd thing to look up to your children….. but I love it!! 😀
This afternoon, they are out cleaning out the chicken quarters. Time to compost hay and lay down new bedding.
I guess that’s it for me today.
Thank you so very much for your continued prayer for our family and your very thoughtful notes of encouragement. You are each precious to us….
With my love,