Another new project:

As I was thinking over some goals I have for our family, prayer was a “biggie”.
I want to teach the children to pray over those we know not just when they are having their prayer time in the morning or before bed, but as we go through our day.
I went through our address book and talked to the children about families we might like to remember as we pray.
Our church has a saying in the bulletin each week, “pray without ceasing”. This is really the theme I wanted to carry to this project.
We made an index card for all of these folks:

I even placed a few blank in the back in case someone asks us to be praying for something specific.
I asked the children to color the cards and decorate them (more to make this project special to them too….).
They are now housed in a painted index card box on the dining room table.
We can pull a card at each meal and pray over someone we know, then the file card gets re-filed in the back of the box until we make it through all of the cards.
The children seem to be really excited, and I am too!
My Mom has offered to paint the box for us to match the new dining room. I’m *really* excited about that…this is the one she did for Courtney’s recipes:

I’ll keep you posted how this is working for our family.
If you have a prayer request you would like to include, we would consider it an honor to pray for your family!
(This post is part of a link-up at So Much at Home.)