OOOOhhhhh, my dear onions, how I do love thee….
my family, not so much.
It’s not the taste that drives my littles nutty, it’s those sliced onions.
Today, we made French Onion Soup for lunch. A few onions (well, more than a few for our home), some beef broth, some Parmesan cheese, a few spices and a nice slice of crusty bread…
I’ve tried every known remedy for onions, wearing goggles, running water while I slice, burning candles…I’ve finally settled on this being my best alternative:
slicing them under the vent hood on the stove.
Still, I have children who have tears rolling down their cheeks and a baby we keep on the other side of our home when onion prep is happening in the kitchen.
Any other ideas, ladies? I’m fresh out. I love the onions too much to give them up, but I need some real answers. Help, please!! : )