Spring days seem to drift in and out so very quickly! I have lists and lists of projects I would like to tackle. Little boys are learning to read and write. Older children are working on their daily tasks, and blossoming into the adults that I’ve seen a little glimpse of here and there through the years. Time is indeed,…
Tag: babies
Finished Sewing Projects
If you could see the sewing “to-do” list I’m working from, you would gasp! I was telling a dear friend a couple of days ago, maybe it’s a problem stemming from having babies almost 20 years apart….but, I can’t find some of my “basics” I usually like to have on hand. Things like baby gowns and changing pads. This shouldn’t…
Maternity Skirts…
Well, I’ve looked and looked. Almost every site mentioned has had maternity mini-skirts (I’m really not sure why anyone would want to chance wearing one of these considering how out of control clothing can become in those last pregnancy months!), or none at all. I did order the Florinda Maternity Skirt pattern from Blessed Designs and plan on making me…
♥♥♥ It’s a GIRL!!! ♥♥♥
The Lambert Family is so pleased to announce we saw a healthy, happy little girl on our ultrasound this past Tuesday!! Please continue to pray for our little one as she grows in the coming weeks. With love,
Our First Party
This past Sunday we hosted our first party in this new house! The rooms were all full of laughter and children ran from place to place. I hope everyone enjoyed their time here as much as we enjoyed them visiting. This gathering was for a sweet friend as she celebrated the pending arrival of her seventh baby. I’m so thankful…
(At almost 4 months!) Just one reason why blogging hasn’t been at the top of the list lately. Isn’t she growing so big?! She just makes my heart melt. *smiling* God has blessed us- she is precious. : ) With my love,
Laundering Diapers
It was right after 5 this morning when I snapped this picture. There is something to be said for hanging laundry in the early morning hours. You can see God’s grace and beauty in every direction. Everything smells sweet and the birds chirp so softly….it was pleasant and such a wonderful way to start a day. First, let me apologize…
Cloth Diapering 101
My cloth diapering experience has been great so far. It is so much less work than I ever thought it would be, and it really hasn’t been any less convenient than purchasing disposables. In fact, I’m now left wondering why I ever thought that I needed disposables in the first place. The truth is, there are people in big companies…
Growing Up
Babies grow so quickly…I just don’t know where the time goes! Emma now has 3 teeth and just yesterday, started crawling across the floor then stopping to sit up. I almost wanted to cry. In so many ways, I wish that I could keep her little and then again, looking at my older children, I realize that I really like…
Do You Remember?
Who is this little fellow that was hanging out on our porch yesterday? Courtney saw him on her way from gathering clothes on our laundry line and couldn’t resist snapping a quick picture. Maybe we’ll do some bug study today? : ) We have loved our laundry line…I know, that this change in our lives is going to save us…
Clothesline, Day 3
Wow! This week has really gotten away from me! We’ve been so busy with Paul’s work and sewing that time has just flown. Today, I’m posting the last of the clothesline pics. This is the clothes line with two loads hanging. I have a Whirlpool Duet Washer. It holds quite a few clothes so these are no small loads. As…