I find myself lingering over them- dreaming of a time when the entire rose bed might be full of blooms, watching the bees buzz as they do their daily work while we enjoy the fruits of their labor.
I cut several stems a few nights back. They are arranged in vases on the dining tables. Their scent drifts through our home. It’s funny how something so simple can bring such beauty.
My personal Bible study time the last two months has been one of the most rich, and meaningful I’ve had in a long time. Having studied through the entire book of Matthew with Paul leading up to Resurrection Sunday and now a good portion through Leviticus, I’ve overwhelmed with the Lord’s gracious hand in my life. To read how his blood was poured out so I might live is humbling. I am so grateful. I am so broken and yet, the Lord makes me whole.
I have prayed that my life might be a reflection of Him. – I pray that my life might be what He wants it to be- I want Him to cut away those dead and ugly parts. I pray that He search me and show me what is not what He desires.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
These roses have a sweet aroma. I desire to be an “aroma pleasing to Him”.
This season is a season of blessing (aren’t they all?). It’s been a season of learning to trust, and of stepping out of our normal routines to watch God work.