Darby Turns Three

Darby’s birthday was such fun to plan!

She has been in love with the movie Frozen since the first time she watched. Making her a dress and cake to celebrate her special day just seemed obvious.

I’ve never sewn formals. My mama made three of my prom dresses and after pricing the fabric and the finished costumes (have you priced those Frozen princess dresses?!), I decided if Darby was going to have a dress, it was going to have to come from thrifted finds.

I found two prom dresses at our local thrift store:

The blue was really not the right shade, but she’s three and frankly, she was just thrilled to have a princess dress.

They were pretty much completely cut apart except for that bodice. I was not about to try to sew a zipper into a formal. I decided no matter what, that entire dress needed to be sewn around one of the already sewn-in zippers.

Courtney made an Oreo cream cake. Oh yum!

I polished her little piggies and her fingernails in a sweet lavender.

It was a fun day to remember when the Lord first blessed us with her.

Three is always such a sweet year.

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