Are you tired of them yet??
I think I’ve taken more Christmas photos this year than the last several years, combined!

–Making breakfast….these two were in a hurry to get to the gifts!

Jessa and Matthew making cinnamon rolls while piggies in the blanket were baking
Courtney starts my day with the perfect peppermint mocha…..

Our Christmas trees hanging in the windows….

Early morning baby snuggles…..

I left Paul to watch the gingerbread men and came back to find he had given some of them hair….

Tim actually asked me why we had so many gifts. I paused for a moment and asked, “do you know how many siblings you have??”. I mean really, even if they only received two gifts- that’s a full tree!

Meredith got new make-up. Can you tell?

Joshua with his new weather array…..

and at the end of the day….

–Hoping you all had a wonderfully, Merry Christmas!