Paul has been working LONG hours.
He is such a good husband. I never have to wonder if he is going to work, or if he’s going to keep a job. I know if it’s within his power, he’ll always try his best to earn a living and provide for us.
It’s a blessing to be married to him!
…I love to watch him at work. When he asked me to bring him dinner this last week, I ran to the car!
Jacob and I arrived to find his truck all set up.
I’ve mentioned before he works on a mobile television truck. Though I’ve seen bits and pieces of his truck, I’ve never seen it all blown out (when it is parked, it has an additional room that blows out from the side- super cool!).

That is some complex piece of equipment!!
I know! I’m amazed that he knows what it all does…and can track when there is a problem.