in the kitchen

this week’s Bible verse: Courtney, changes these out each week as she reads through her Bible. Each verse is usually a reflection of something happening in our lives. Beautiful encouragement from the Word.


“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” Psalms 5:11-12

he stands

From the 4th of July… We do have to use a little extra care with him. All of my other babies have plopped on to their bottom when they tired of standing. This little guy goes right on to his knees. Ouch.

one thousand gifts

21. aroma of fresh laundry hanging in my room 22. new car smell 23. starting a new book 24. hand print pillowcases made by my children each Mother’s Day 25. Emma’s “good morning” each day when she comes into my room 26. Courtney’s hot cocoa 27. Jackson giggles 28. Paul’s hand reaching out for mine 29. laugh lines I see…

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one thousand gifts

1. the letter that arrives at perfect time from a dear friend 2. blonde curls that brush across my cheek when a precious 4 year old kisses me goodnight 3. good results from a recent medical test (also arriving in the mail today– please pray as a week from tomorrow I have a couple more) 4. baby sounds from the…

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