21. aroma of fresh laundry hanging in my room
22. new car smell
23. starting a new book
24. hand print pillowcases made by my children each Mother’s Day
25. Emma’s “good morning” each day when she comes into my room
26. Courtney’s hot cocoa
27. Jackson giggles
28. Paul’s hand reaching out for mine
29. laugh lines I see creeeping up along Paul’s face
30. sounds of geese in the distance
31. flowering baskets spread along my front porch

32. a precious nursing baby in the early morning hours
33. warm sunlight on my face
34. my bed made and neat when I come in and out of my room each day
35. standing on my tippy toes each evening to kiss Joshua goodnight (and still unable to reach his cheek if he’s in shoes)
36. a new school year
37. intoxicating aroma of bacon frying in the kitchen for breakfast
38. beautiful lemons in the glass pitcher in my kitchen cabinet
39. the familiar chime of our grandfather clock
40. rubber boots lining the wall just outside of the front door