The first week of September is always a sweet time in our area.
A few of the leaves are beginning to change and fall. The temperatures aren’t horrible during the day and the evening is becoming cool and crisp.
On this day, we’ve opened our windows to allow the breeze to flow through our home. This morning, that seemed like a good idea. Since the 60^ morning has now turned into a 90^ day, it seems less appealing.
The evenings are cool, so we’re going to keep the AC off and wait for the night air again. Some, in my family, aren’t so happy with the idea…everyone is looking a little droopy. It makes no sense to me to have to use the AC during the day and the heat at night (which I’m also not turning on!).
It’s mid-afternoon now, I think week can make it a few more hours until the sun goes down. Then it will cool off again, everyone will be bundled in blankets saying they are cold and we’ll begin it all again.
Isn’t fall fun?? 😀
We had a good weekend.
My Mom came to visit and we did all sorts of things. We found the cutest little table at a local thrift store (I’ll share pics later). She’s going to paint a chess board on it for our family room.
I also found this little goody:
Yesterday, we visited a very small farm and came home with 20 of these little ones:
and these two:
(We’re especially excited about the guineas!)
Some dear friends have offered to allow us to order more when they place an upcoming order- I think we’ll be ordering the bulk of our replacement birds then, but it is nice to have a few new little chicks again!
She always brings excitement when she comes for a visit…we were all glad to see her.
As the evening settled, Courtney and I were thinking over projects that have needed attention in our home.
We decided to start painting the inside of our kitchen cabinets (the cabinets themselves really need paint too, but we’re working with what we have for now).
I think it’s going to look really nice. This is where I would like to house our milk glass, and teapots.
Hopefully, this won’t take too long to finish.
Prayer Requests
- Renee, cancer
- Linda, cancer
- Paul, traveling
Today I’m Thankful For
- The opportunity to visit with an old friend Friday night
- Cool fall nights
- Seeing Paul soon!!!
- A talented son who has been cutting out initials for our home
- Ice cream in the afternoon- yummy!
Today’s Scripture Meditation
“Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”– John 14:23
With my love,

I’m glad somebody else sees the different-colored leaves as actually changing color and falling. The temperatures are supposed to get back up this week: the lows are supposed to be in the 70s instead of the 50s.
(But it is fun to see everybody in sweaters outside in the morning when it’s only 65 and calling it “freezing”… 🙂 )
I love to see the leaves changing colors!
As for the heat…yep, it was a bad idea to turn the AC off. This house was too hot last night. It was hard to sleep. I’m thinking an attic fan is in our future. Doesn’t your family have an attic fan?
Our family does have what we call an “attic fan” (though I think that term might mean different things to different people). At any rate, it’s a fan installed in our hallway ceiling that pulls air through open windows and sends it into the attic. The catch with having such large houses is that you can’t have all the windows open at once or else the effect of the fan is almost nothing. You have to pick your windows strategically.